chapter 30

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Derek and I are laying in bed watching tv in each others arms when there's a loud knock at the door.

"who's here? it's almost midnight," I say turning to Derek.

"I don't know, I'll go check. I'll be right back," he says.

he kisses me softly on the lips before he gets out of bed and leaves the bedroom.

I pause the tv and get out of bed. I'm not eight months pregnant and everything feels worse than they did last month.

the morning sickness isn't much anymore which is good but it's only been replaced with horrible back pain and feet pain.

I walk into the living room and only to my surprise I see Derek's mother at the front door.

Derek hasn't spoken to her in a week she's been texting him every day, a hundred times at least a day. he even had to block her.

"Why haven't you been answering any of my calls or texts, it's been an entire week Derek," she says.

"Ma, now is not the time-" he says.

"Meredith is going to be giving birth in a month and I'm going to be there when she does," she says. I do not want her in the same room as me giving birth. she's going to tell me to stop screaming and that the pain of birth is supposed to be enjoyed.

"Ma, you are not going to be in the delivery room with Meredith the only people that are going to be in the room is Meredith, me and the doctors, no one else," he says.

"But I'm family, Derek!"

"I don't care, it doesn't matter if you're family. the answer is no... Meredith is my fiancée and this is my baby and the answer is no," he says.

"So that's it? I'll never see my grandson ever?" she says.

"You'll see the baby on holidays and when we stop by, you'll see the baby when you see the baby, but you don't get to make arrangements to see the baby, that's what people do when the parents aren't together anymore, we always go to your house on the holidays you don't have to worry about not seeing the baby you're just not going to it every day," I saw.

"I wasn't talking to you," she says looking at me.

"You don't have to, you're in my home, talking to my finacee, and you're talking about my baby, I have every right to say whatever I want and if you don't like it then you can leave nothing's keeping you here but you," I say.

"When you are giving birth?" she asks me.

"I don't know, in a month, could be sooner could be later," I say.

"Would you at least tell me when you go into labor? I would at least like to be there when you're giving birth," she says.

"Why, so you can hear her screams of agony and you can tell yourself it's her karma for not liking you?" Derek says.

"No, but now that I think of it it's not a bad idea," she says.

"Derek will call you after the baby is born," I say.

"Then I'll meet the baby?"

"You'll meet the baby when I'm feeling better and Derek and I have settled down and gotten used to the feeling of having a baby then you can meet the baby," I say.

"After you've settled down and gotten used to the feeling of being parents?" she asks in disbelief.

"Yes, this is our first child it's going to be a big change having a baby," I say. I don't know what her problem is, I wonder if they've ever thought about taking her to see a doctor.

"That could take weeks," she says.

"then you'll wait weeks to meet the baby, it's not like it'll remember anyways," I say.

"Fine, do what you want, it's your child.. but if you mess it up don't come to me crying!" she says. she grabs her purse and leaves, slamming the door behind her.

"Are you okay?" Derek asks me as I wipe away a tear. he walks over to me.

"Yea, I'm fine, it's just hormones, that's all," I say.

"Are you sure?" he asks as he's now standing in front of me with his hands on my arms, rubbing up and down gently.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm still tired and I want to go to sleep," I say.

"Okay, lets go to bed," he says.

we go into the bedroom and get under the covers. I turn the tv off and lay down.

I feel the covers shift and the bed move.

"what are you doing?" I ask as I feel Derek under the covers hovering over me.

"you can't be stressed in this last month of your pregnancy, you could go into labor early and you need to relax," he says pulling my sweatpants down.

he kisses his thighs before he starts sucking on my clit. I moan softly and bring my hand down to his hair and push him deeper.

Words: 848
Part 2??😉

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