chapter 19

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it was a long dinner of my mother complaining about every little things possible, most of them being about Meredith.

Meredith ignored them like usual which she's pretty good at, which my mother also hates it with a passion.

we've just arrived at home and Meredith is currently taking off her boots and her coat.

"So, you didn't faint once today, that's progress, right?" I say placing my hands on her waist as she's finished taking all her winter wear off.

"I did faint, I fainted when I went to the bathroom, that's why it took me so long to come out," she says. she still looks a little pale before.

"That's what you were doing? I thought you were throwing up," I say, concerned.

"So you left me alone? I thought you were the kind of person that would chase after me right away," she says sarcastically and walks away.

"Believe me, I tried, but you know how much my mother hates seeing me care about and or for you. she stopped me as soon as I tried to stand up," I say.

"I know, I heard her yell at you," she says sitting down on the couch. she tucks her legs under and turns on the tv.

"And he never did end up telling anyone that you're pregnant," I say as I walk into the living room and sit next to her.

"your mother didn't want you to tell anyone that's why," she says.

"but she knows, my mom knows that you're pregnant," I say.

"Who cares if she knows. if the baby comes out a boy with black hair and blue eyes she's going to love him, and if it's a girl with blonde hair and greens eyes, she's going to hate her, but at least she'll have me to teach her not to care, and if it's a boy you'll have to teach him how to not have a big annoying ego from all of it and understand that she's not a good person just because she loves him," she says.

"Wow, you've really thought this all through, huh?" I say pulling her into my chest.

"What if it looks like both of us? what if its a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, or a girl with black hair and green eyes? then what?" she says.

"Then we'll figure it out when that happens, maybe it'll depend on the personality," I say.

"For the kids sake, I hope it has your personality, it can't be easy to have a grandmother that hates you just because you're like your mother, It doesn't make sense to hate a child just because of reason they can't control," she rants.

"It doesn't matter what she thinks of our child, as long as we love the kid, and we will no matter what, that's all that matters," I say.

"The child might not think that," she says.

"We'll figure it out when it happens, alright?" I say kissing her head.

"Okay... can we go to bed soon?" she asks.

"Yes, we can go bed soon, it is getting late," I say.

"It's your mothers fault, she's the one who practically begged you help her put up the tree and help with the high decorations," she rolls her eyes.

"She's a short woman," I shrug.

"With a tall husband of her own, why does she have to use mine?" she says.

"Are you jealous?" I chuckle.

"You're my boyfriend, mine, not hers, she can get her own, You're supposed too put up our Christmas tree," she says.

"I'm still going to put our Christmas tree, Meredith, it's not like my hands will swell up at the touch of another tree," I say.

"I know, she's still annoying though," she says.

"I know... are you hungry?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm starving," she says.

"Do you want me make you something?" I ask.

"No, can you leave?" she asks.

"What? why would you want me to leave, did I do something?" I say.

"No, I want you to go to McDonalds and get us something to eat," she says.

"Oh, Okay I'll go get us something to eat," I say. I kiss her head and leave to go get food.


Words: 710

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