Chapter 40

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Meredith is currently sleeping in bed, naked. I've just woken up and taken a shower.

I get dressed and walk over to Meredith. I kiss her on the side of her head before pulling up the covers so they're above her shoulders now.

I go into the living room so I don't wake Meredith.

I check my phone and text Lexie that she can bring Noah back now.

Every time she texted she said that he was doing just fine but I doubt that because Noah is a sick baby.

Once I texted her I put my phone back into my pocket and go into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I hear a knock at the door. I put the pan down and go to the door. I open it and see Lexie with Noah crying in the car seat.

"I don't know how to get him to stop crying," she says.

"I'll take him," I take the car seat from her and she walks inside.

I place the car seat on the counter and take him out, laying him on my chest.

I bounce him lightly and gently pat his back until he stops crying.

"is he fed?" I ask.

"Yes, and he's changed, his diaper and clothes," she says.

"did he throw up on his clothes?" I ask.

"Yes, a lot, I didn't know so much could come out of a such a small baby, and I gave him a bath so he's clean," she says.

"oh, you know you didn't have to do that," I say.

"he smelled, I kind of had to," she says.

"Alright, thank you," I chuckle.

I take Noah and put him in the bassinet but he started crying again. I took him out of the bassinet again and laid him on my chest. he's quiet again.

I hold him with my left hand as I stand at the stove.

"Should you really be cooking with my son in your arms?" I hear Meredith say.

"Good morning. he wouldn't stop crying when I put him down," I say.

"give him to me," she says.

I hand the baby to Meredith and she takes him.

"Lexie's here by the way," I say.

"What?" she asks.

"Hi, Mer," Lexie says, making Meredith jump.

"Damn it, why didn't you tell me she was sitting in our living room," Meredith hits me.

"I just did, you like your sister," I say.

"Yeah, I didn't know she was here though," she says.

"I told you she was in Seattle," I say.

"I mean in our apartment," she rolls her eyes.

"So grumpy in the mornings," I mumble.

"excuse me?" she says.

"Nothing. he's fed and he's changed so you don't need to do any of that," I tell her.

"Okay," she says.


its a few hours later and Lexie left after her and Meredith caught on their lives. Meredith and I are currently laying in bed while Noah is asleep in his nursery.

"Your mother hasn't called you lately," Meredith asks as she cuddles further into my chest.

"No, why?" I ask her.

"just wondering, she called me this morning," she says.

"what? what did she want?" I ask.

"nothing really, she just wanted to know how you and Noah were, I told her that you two were fine and then she hung up," she says.

"that's all she wanted?" I ask.

"yes," she says.

we hear a loud noise come from the living room before Noah starts crying.

Words: 583

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