Chapter 35

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Its now two days later and today is the day we get to take Noah home.

Derek already signed the birth certificate and the doctor said that I healed quickly and then we can go home now.

I called my mother and told her about the baby and I also sent her a photo of him.

My mother and I talked a bit about the baby and I told her how I needed surgery afterwards and had to be on bed for the next week or so.

Being on bed rest shouldn't be too bad because I'm in too much pain to really move anyway and everything I will need to do with the baby I can do in bed.

Noah will be staying the first week or two in our room before we put him in his nursery.

Derek puts Noah in his car seat while I'm getting myself ready.

"Don't get out of bed by yourself, you need my help to get into the wheelchair," he says.

"I don't understand why I need a wheelchair," I say tying my hair back.

"Because you said it yourself, you're in too much pain to move, I had to carry you to the bathroom, and you had to use that small water bottle thing that you bought instead of using toilet paper. I never knew how horrible childbirth is until you were in their screaming." he says. I wasn't really in pain because of the meds but it was still a lot," and it hurts once the meds wear off.

"Is he ready yet?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's a bit windy but he shouldn't feel it because this covers him completely," he says.

"Okay, I'm ready," I say.

he places the car seat on the floor and walks over to me. he puts the wheelchair next to the bed and carefully helps me into the chair.

"Okay, I'm going to hand you the baby and if it's too much just say so and I'll take him for you, okay?" he says.

"Okay," I say.

he hands me Noah and I hold him on my lap as Derek grabs the bags.


when we get home Noah is already asleep after I fed him in the car.

"I'll take Noah and you go into our room and get some rest, if you need anything let me know," he says.

I nod. I walk into our room and see the bed is still made from before we left. I get in bed and try to get comfortable.

a few minutes later Derek walks into the room with Noah still in the car seat.

"I put everything away. you said you wanted him to stay in here for the first few weeks?" he says.

"Yeah, just put him in the basinet please," I say.

he takes Noah our and places him in the basinet before walking over to me. he gets in bed and sits next to me. he pulls me into his side as I watch the baby sleep.

"he's cute, he looks like you," he says after a moment of silence.

"he has your eyes, his hair will probably get darker when he's older and he'll look more like you," I say leaning into him.

"you make that sound like a bad thing," he says pressing his head against mine.

"No, no, it's not a bad thing, I just- I'm just tired that's all, I'd be happy to have a son that looks like you all I ask for in return is a daughter who looks like me," I say.

"I can do that," he smiles. he kisses my head before I pull back and get under the covers.

he lays down with me, wrapping his arms around me from behind. he presses his face into the back of my head as he breathes me in.

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