Chapter 32

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we're in the hospital now. the OB came in and checked her dilation and so far she's only three centimeters and they just gave her an epidural so she's not in pain anymore.

"Now are we going to about the fight?" I ask.

she looks at me. "I'm in labor and the only thing you want to talk about is the fight we had before?"

"the argument was about when we tell my family about the baby after it's born, it's going to be born soon so now is a good time to talk about it now," I say.

"We're not telling your mom until we're settled in, even if it takes months we're not telling her. the second you tell her the baby's born and we're still here she'll come here and she won't leave until we do and then she'll follow us home and she practically steal the baby from us. she'd breast feed the thing if I were in the bathroom for too long," she scoffs.


"we're not telling your mother until we're home and have got everything under cover, she can visit the baby when I say, I'm giving birth to this baby, I get a say, you really want me to go through everything to push a whole human out of me and then I'm supposed to want to suffer through your mother too? No, I'm sick and tired of that woman and I'm not dealing with her while I have a screaming baby with me," she says.

"Alright, we'll wait to tell her," I say leaning back in the chair.

"Do you think she'll find out another way? like she'll sense it or something?" she says.

"Do you think she'll sense it when you have the baby?" I ask.

"Probably, or she'd track your phone or mine," she says.

I grab my phone from my pocket and turn my location off.

"So you do believe she would track us here?" she says.

"Yes, it's my mother she'd do anything to be here with you in labor," I say.

"that's why she's not here. If I started screaming while giving birth she'd tell me to shut up,"

a few minutes later the OB comes back into the room and checks her dilation.

"Okay, Meredith, you're only four centimeters so it's going to be a while before you can push," she says.

Meredith throws her head back on the bed and groans.

"at least you're not in pain anymore?" I offer.

"No, now I'm just sitting in here bored out of my mind and I'm going to be waiting hours to give birth to this thing," she says.

"Don't call it a thing,"

"Well, we don't know what it is,"

"Do you want to know? we can find out now if you want," I ask.

"No, I want to wait, we waited nine months we can wait a few hours," she says.

"It could be longer then a few hours, some women are in labor for twenty, thirty hours before they actually give birth," the OB says.

"Well, isn't this going to be fun," she sighs as the OB leaves the room.

"why don't you think about names in the mean time, you have a whole book of baby names in your purse, pick a boy and a girl name that you like, you have hours to pick one," I say. I take her hands squeezing it gently.

"Okay, fine. you work on a middle name and I'll work on a first name," she says. she leans over the bed and grabs two small books from the hospital bag.

she hands one to me and open it. she has probably hundreds of boy and girl names in each one.

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I think she'll give birth in the next chapter and then the gender reveal.

Boy or girl??

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