chapter 14.

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I wake up to an empty bed. I push the covers off me and get out of bed. I leave the room and go into the living room and see that the room is empty.

I look over to the front door and see that his coat is gone. he left. I grab my phone from the couch and goo to his name in my contacts and call him.

the phone rings a few times but he never picks up. I try calling him a few more times but he didn't pick up either of those times.

I turn my phone off and toss it onto the couch. I go into the kitchen and look through the fridge for something to eat.

we have a lot of leftovers from when we get takeout so I take a couple containers of food out and take it into the living room.

I place the food on the coffee table. I put a blanket in my lap and turn the tv on. I grab the food off the coffee table and start eating it.


it's an hour later and the front door opens and Derek walks in.

"You're awake," he says as he walks through the door with a few bags in his hands.

"You went shopping while I was asleep?" I ask as he places the bags on the counter.

"yeah, it's just a few things," he says. he picks the bags up again and takes them into the guest bedroom.

"how long have you been awake for?" he asks as he comes out of the room.

"I don't know, maybe an hour," I shrug.

"and you've been eating for that past hour?" he asks.

"are you calling me fat? do you want me to have your child or not?" I say shocked.

"No, Mer, that's not what I meant. I just meant you should be eating Chinese food so early in the morning, you know how to cook," he says walking over to me.

"I was tired, I don't like to cook when I'm tired," I say as he sits next to me.

"you don't like to cook, period," he says wrapping his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"so? I have you," I shrug.

"what about when we have a kid and I'm at work, who's going to make the kid breakfast?" he says.

"I'll buy them some breakfast on the way to work," I shrug.

"You can't do that everyday," he says.

"I know, on the other days you'll make him breakfast," I say.

"Well... We'll talk about it some more when the baby's born," he says. he pulls me into his lap, kissing the back of my head.

"Why did you leave while I was sleeping, why didn't you wait until I was awake to leave?" I ask.

"I don't know, I was awake for a while whilst you were still sleeping, I didn't want to wake you and I also didn't want to wait, I'm sorry. I'll wait until you wake up first," he kisses my back repeatedly.

"No, it's fine if you do, just leave a message, or a note, or answer my calls," I say.

"did you call me?" he asks as I lean back into his chest.

"yes, multiple time," I say.

"I think my phone was off, I didn't hear my phone ringing. I'm sorry," he says.

"it's fine. do you want to go back to bed?" I ask turning around on his lap so I'm straddling him.

"you just woke up, are you still tired?" he chuckles.

"No, but the bed is more comfortable," I say.

"let's go," i say standing up and we go into the bedroom.

Words: 621

New story ideas please???

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