Chapter 26

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Flashback Christmas Day:


We arrive at my parents house.

"Are you scared?" I ask Meredith as she stands next to me as we stand at the front door.

"Of what?" she asks.

"My mother, seeing her again,"

"No, if she ruins Christmas then that's on her, not me," she says.

"Alright," I say before knocking on the door.

right as I remove my hand from the door it swings open.

"Hello, Derek!" my mother says as he pulls me in and hugs me tightly.

"That's not scary," Meredith mumbles as I pull myself out of her arms.

"Are we telling everyone today?" I ask her.

"No, you are telling everyone, I'm not talking to anyone today unless I have to," she says.

"the rest aren't that bad, Mer," I say as I place my hand on her back and push her into the house.

"why are you pushing me?" she asks.

"Because you're not moving otherwise, I have to push you in,"

"You shouldn't be mean to pregnant women," she says.

"I'm not being mean, I'm just leading you into the house," I say.

I take her purse from her and place it on the small bench at the door. I take her coat and hang it up before taking mine off as well.

she fixes her hair and links her arm with mine.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" I whisper against her hair before kissing the side of her head.

"Yes, you told me about five times this morning," she says looking at my chest.

"I mean it more with each time I tell you," I say, making her smile small.

"Derek, your mother is staring at me," she whispers.

I look to my left and see my mother staring at us, then her eyes travel to Meredith's stomach. Meredith is still small but there is a bump and you can see it much better with the tight dress she's wearing.

"Come with me," I say and taking her into the kitchen.

"Meredith will you marry me?" I ask as I'm down on one knee. I wrote a whole speech before hand but I left it at home so I said what I felt.

Tears stream down her face as she enthusiastically nods yes.

I smile as I stand up. I take the ring out of the box and slide it onto the ring finger of her shaky hand.

"I love you so much," she sobs as she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.

"I love you too," I wrap my arms around her waist.

As we pull away everyone claps.

"Kiss hew uncle Dewek," my younger niece says.

I place my hand on her cheek and kiss her lips.

After a few seconds we pull away. I keep my arms around her waist and pull her into me as she wipes her eyes.

"Well that was something I wasn't expecting on Christmas Day," my mothers says as she stands up from her stop on the couch.

Please say nothing rude. Meredith is already crying she doesn't need my mother ruining this for her.

"But congratulations you two," she smiles before going into the kitchen again. It might have been a fake smile- it was definitely a fake smile, but at least she didn't ruin it.

"Thank you," she whispers as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"For what?" I whisper back.

"Everything, you've made me happier then I ever thought possible, you're giving me a baby and now a husband, thank you so much," she tears up again.

"You're welcome, but I can't say you're the only one thrilled about this," I grin.

She places her one hand on my shoulder and the other on my neck before she kisses me again.

Words: 635


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