chapter 10

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Meredith Grey

it's been a few days since I started getting sick, and it's gotten a bit better, but it's a lot better, I don't feel any better then I did.

the only thing that has gotten better is the fever, the fever was at 103 and not it's at 99 but it's still high but the rest is all the same.

the throwing up, the passing out, I always feel like I'm hot. Derek thinks I should go to the hospital and see what wrong but I don't want to go.

I don't see the point in going to the doctors it's not like I'm going to be less sick then I am already, there just going to tell me what's wrong with me and I already know that I'm sick, if we go they'll tell me what I already know expect then we'll have to pay medical bills.

"Mer, I'm going to make an appointment for the doctors, when do you think would be the best time for you to go?" he asks.

"No, Derek, I'm not going to the doctors, I'll just take some medicine and I'll be fine," I say as I pull the blanket around my body tighter as I start getting colder.

"Meredith, you really should go see a doctor, it's best you do it now before anything starts to get worse then they already are," he says.

"Derek, how many time do I have to tell you I'm fine!" I yell as I push the blanket off me and storm off into the bedroom.

I slam the door shut and lock it before getting into bed.


"I don't know why the only idea he has in his head is that I need to see a stupid doctor. I already know what's wrong with me, it's just the stupid flu, why can't he see that?" I say. I'm on the phone with Cristina.

"Because guys are idiots and have this weird obsession with being right and he just wants to prove to you that he is right and that'll you'll always believe he's right and your wrong," she says. she's currently staying at her boyfriend, Owens, apartment. they live together now which is surprising because Cristina's relationships have never gone this far.

"that part I understand, but how do I get him to shut up about it? why is it so hard for him to understand the word no anyways? maybe it's because his mother never said no to him as a child," I say.

"it could be, this is why I always tell you mamas boys are the worst kind of guys to date, the mother ends up hating you and he always takes her side," she says.

"the other day Derek parents came over and I had to go the bathroom, I was gone for like five minutes and she was already talking crap about me," I say.

"what did she say about you?" she asks.

"Well, Derek's been thinking about changing his career path and taking business classes, he's not one hundred percent sure about it yet but he wants to try it out, and I guess he told her about it and she wasn't happy... and of course, like always, she doesn't believe that Derek can do wrong or make her upset so she blames me saying that I was tricking him into becoming a businessman instead of a surgeon so I can save babies lives while he can just hire people to work for him, like I want to look better than him," I tell her.

"why don't you just punch her?"

"Cristina!" I giggle.

"I can't punch her in the face, that will only make her hate me even more than she already does, she'd kill me, and not only would she hate me, Derek would never forgive me and his dad would hate me too, and Derek's dad isn't bad at all," I say.

"I know, he's hot, at least you'll know Derek won't be ugly at that age and he'll still be fuckable," she says.

"that's not what I was talking about," I roll my eyes.

"I know, but it's still a pro,"

"yeah... do you think Derek's right? do you think I should go to hospital to see what's wrong with me?" I ask.

"oh, one hundred percent, you'd be crazy not to," she says.

"what? you literally just went on and on about how guys always think they're right and want their girlfriends to think the same, what happened to all of that?" I say.

"it's still all true, expect now you're getting a woman's opinion on it, so if Derek asks what changed your mind you can tell him I told you to go and he'll stop telling you what to do," she says.

"so now you're telling me what to do instead?"

"yeah, my opinion will always be better than any man, especially Derek's," she says.

"what's the worst that could happen?" she says.

"I could be pregnant," I joke. we both laugh.

"you don't you like Derek?" I ask after we calm down from our laughter. there's no chance I'm pregnant.

"the same reason you don't like Owen," she says.

"because you think he'll break my heart?"

"No, because I think he sucks, he'll hurt you and I don't find him attractive," she says.

"you don't even have a type, the guys you date are completely different from each other," I say.

"that's the point, Mer," she laughs.

"why would I break up with someone and then date someone the exact same?" she says.

"I mean looks wise,"

"you still have a thing for dudes that look like Patrick Dempsey but have anger issues and hurt you," she says. I can practically hear her rolling her eyes at me.

"well, how else are you supposed to have hot make up sex?"

"... fair point, but I have to go, Owen's starting to wake up and I don't want him to know that I was talking to you then entire time while I was supposed to be sleeping," she says. her and Owen just had sex but she couldn't fall asleep.

"you need to find a guy with a dick that can put you to sleep," I say.

"well, I'm sorry not everyone can find a man with a nine inch dick like you can, you got lucky," she says.

"it's nine and a half but sure," I say before hanging up.


Baby or no baby??

I'm thinking baby😏😏

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