chapter 15.

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I just got off the phone with my mother. she's invited us over for dinner. she wants to make a lot of food and my Grandmother is going to be there as well so she wanted Meredith and I to come over.

I'm not sure what Meredith will say yet. she hasn't been feeling the best lately and I'm not sure she'll be in the mood to be going anywhere either.

I put my phone down on the counter before I go back into the bedroom. when I walk into the room I see Meredith still laying in bed.

she isn't feeling her best and she isn't looking her best. I mean don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous, but she doesn't look well, health wise.

if she wasn't pregnant I would take her to the hospital.

she's wearing nothing but her Dartmouth t-shit, her hair tied back in a ponytail, and her face is pale. she also as a really high fever.

I walk around the bed and get into the other side opposite to where she's laying. I pull the covers a bit more so they're at her hips rather than at her ankles and wrap my arms around her waist.

I moan softly as I pull her into my chest.

"it hurts when you do that, Derek," she says pushing my hand off her stomach.

"what? why does it hurt?" I ask her. I run my hand up her shirt and start gently rubbing in soothing circles.

"it's sore," she says as she rolls over so she's facing me.

"from what, baby?" I ask pushing her bangs out of her face and tucking them behind her ear.

"throwing up too much," she whispers as she pushes off the blankets again.

"are you getting too hot?" I ask her.

"yes, we need to get an air conditioner in here,"

"Mer, it's winter, there's snow outside," I chuckle.

"then can I go outside?" she asks sitting up and opening her eyes for the first time.

"No, Mer, you can't go outside. you'll sick," I chuckle kissing her forehead softly. her forehead is really burning up.

"you're mean," she says as she lays back down and closes her eyes again.

"I know... my mother called me earlier, that's why my phone was ringing," I say.

"yeah?" she says moving to lay her head against my chest. I lay down on my neck so it's easier for her.

"Yeah, she invited us over for dinner tonight my grandmother is going to be there as well," I say.

"oh," she says sounding a little disappointed.

"we don't have to go if you don't want to-"

"No, we're going," she says cutting me off.

"Mer, you're not feeling well, you're sick, and you have a very high fever. you shouldn't be going out you should be staying home in bed all day," I tell her pulling her close to me and pressing my head against hers as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"your mother will blame me if we don't go and we still have to tell them about the baby so you can tell them then," she whispers.

"me? we're not telling them together?" I ask.

"No, I'll be there but you're going to be the one talking, I can't look happy in my state so you're going to have to be the happy one and tell them," she says.

"what if they're not happy?" I ask her.

"your mother will be happy because it's you and your baby, she just won't be happy that I'm the one carrying it but as long as there's a chance that the baby is a boy and looks like you then she'll be happy, she'd kill to have another little you around the house," she says.

"I think that would be fun, having a little me in the place," I say thinking about it. a little boy, black hair, blue eyes, running around playing with cars, waking up in the middle of the night and coming to sleep in our bed and coming to us with all his problems, like when he can't find his favorite toy.

"I mean in her house, if we had a son that looked like you she would take him every day and keep him at her place for hours and beg us to let him stay the night, actually she would beg you because you would say yes and I wouldn't, and then she would turn our son against me and then he would turn against me and make you turn against me and then we would break up and you would still my baby," she says as she tears up.

"Meredith, that's not going to happen," I chuckle as I run my hand up her shirt and start rubbing her back.

"fine, but the stealing him and turning him against me is true, she would do that," she says.

"then we'll make sure to raise our child to know better than to turn against his mother, or our daughter," I say.

"a girl would be cute too," she agrees.

"if she looked like me," I say.

"stop having such a big ego," she slaps my arm weakly.

"I have to pee," she says as she slowly gets out of bed.

"don't faint again, wait a bit before getting out of bed," I tell her sitting up.

she stands up but sits ack down quickly. she waits a bit before she stands up and walks into the bathroom.

Words: 936


So are we thinking boy or girl??

I'm kinda thinking boy

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