chapter 34

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It's awhile since Meredith had been taken up to surgery. the baby started crying a few minutes ago. the nurses gave me a bottle of milk to feed him with, he was quiet after.

he's asleep now. I got him dressed into some of the clothes that we brought in the hospital bag and changed him into a diaper a while ago.

after maybe another hour goes by when I hear a knock at the door. I turn to see Connie walking through the door.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"she's going to be just fine but she's still asleep and in the recovery room," she says.

"When can I see her?"

"whenever you want but she's going to asleep for a bit longer," she says.

"take me to her room please," I say.

she takes me to the recovery room where Meredith is. they already moved the rest of Meredith things up here along with the baby's.

I place the baby in the crib and walk over to where Meredith is laying asleep.

She looks a little paler than she did before but other than that she seems fine.

The baby starts crying and Meredith stirs awake.

I pick up the baby and gently rock him.

"How is he? Is he okay?" She asks as she sits up.

"He's fine, how are you feeling?" I ask her.

"It still hurts a little but I'll be fine," she says.

"That's what Connie said,"

"Give him to me," she says.

I stand up and place the baby in her arms. She holds his head up with one arm and wraps the other one around him.

"We still need a name," I say after a bit of silence.

"Noah," she says.

"Noah?" I ask. She hasn't really mentioned the name Noah she brought it up once but never again.

"He looks like a Noah," she says pulling the small hat off his head to look at his hair.

"He has your hair," she smiles as she brushes her hand across it gently.

"He looks a lot like you," I say.

"Your mother will be happy," she says.

"She gets exactly what she wanted," she clears her throat.

"We get exactly what she wants," I say.


This is exactly why I didn't want to tell Derek's mother after he was born.

She would have been able to hold him before I could and she would just be in the way.

"you haven't signed the birth certificate, have you?" I ask.

"No, I wanted to wait for you to pick out the name before signing it," he says.

"what about his last name? we haven't spoken on a last name yet," I say. I want to have the same last name as him but we haven't spoken about if we were going to hyphenate our names or if we were just going to use his last name.

"do you plan on changing your last name when he get married?" he asks.

"yes," I say.

"to what?" hyphenate or Shepherd?"

"I don't know... would your mom be mad if I chose just Shepherd?" I ask.

"Mm, probably since you aren't blood and it would make you more family then you already are," he says.

"Then maybe I'll choose Shepherd," I smile.

"or you could go with Grey-Shepherd and he can be Noah Shepherd, you can chose be Grey-Shepherd and the kids can be Shepherds, it'll still be your name but your entirely," he says.

"because I'm not a real Shepherd?" I ask.

"you became a real Shepherd the day I brought you home to my house after you tripped on the sidewalk," he says.

"And you laughed before you decided to help me up," I roll my eyes.

"You tripped on nothing, I proved it to you afterwards once my dad was finished bandaging you up, there was nothing," he chuckles.

"There was a rock," I say.

"There was no rock, and when I proved to you that there was nothing you started blaming me and said I pushed you,"

"I fell over something, I don't know what it was but there was something," I say.

"You just didn't want to admit you were stupid enough to trip over air," he laughs.

"I was like four, I grew out of it," I roll my eyes.

"Not really, every so often you still trip over nothing, you're just old enough to catch your fall before you hit the ground," he says.

"Let's just hope he doesn't get your clumsiness," he says as he gets up. he pulls down the side bar and sits next to me.

"he already has, how do you think he came out the wrong way which ended in me bleeding a lot more than I should've," I giggle.

"Meredith, that's not funny," he says seriously.

"yes, it is. I'm fine now, it's okay to joke about it," I shrug.

"have you fed him yet?" I ask as Noah slowly starts to fall asleep in my arms.

"Yeah, he ate twice while you were gone," he says.

"Did you change him yet?"

"Yes, twice," he says.

"Can you put him in the crib while he's sleeping, I want to get some rest so when he wakes up I can try feeding him," I say.

"Yeah. are you going to go with breastfeeding?" he asks as he takes Noah from me and gets up.

"Yes, if it works, but if it doesn't then we'll go with formula," I say.

he gently places Noah in the crib and he stays asleep as he does. he's about to sit back down on the chair.

"Lay with me, you should sleep too. close the door and curtains," I say. he nods. he stands up and closes the door and curtains before he walks over to me.

he move to the side of the bed and he gets in next to me.

"you haven't called your mom or your sisters yet?" I ask.

"No, we're doing it your way, we're waiting for when we're settled in," he says.

"Okay," I say before closing my eyes.

Words: 1021

Should the baby be a shepherd or a grey-shepherd?

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