chapter 31

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~one month later~

Meredith and I just had an argument. the argument started as a discussion about what we were going to do once the baby was born.

I told her that I wanted to tell the family a few hours after the baby is born and then wait until we're settled in to let them meet them but Meredith doesn't want to do that.

Meredith wants to wait a couple of days before telling them. she says that if we tell them not long after the babies born then they'll come to the hospital especially my mother.

she stormed off into the bedroom a few minutes ago. I'm currently in the nursery making sure that everything is ready for when the baby comes.

I've already built everything that I needed to build and everything has already arrived along with some things we've bought in store.

once I'm done observing the room and leave. I go to check on Meredith but I hear my phone ring.

I grab my phone from my pocket and check to see who it is.


I wipe my thumb across the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"Derek, now that Meredith is nine months do you know when her sue date is?" She says before I can even speak.

"Ma, Meredith and I have already told you, you're not going to be there when Meredith gives birth, she hardly even wants me there let alone you," I say. Of course Meredith wants me to be there but she's not sure about the whole 'me watching her give birth thing'

"So what? She just wants to do it alone?" She scoffs.

"No, of course I'm going to be there but I'm saying if she wasn't sure about me being there then she definitely doesn't want you there and she's already told you that," I say.

"I don't care what Meredith wants," she says.

"I know but I do so you're not going to be there and I'm not telling you her due date," I say about the hang up.

"Why not?" She says.

I don't answer and end the call before I go into the bedroom to check on Meredith.

When I walk in I don't see her on the bed where she usually is.

she spends most of her time in bed or sitting now that she's nine months pregnant.

I go to check in the bathroom but it's locked.

"Meredith," I jiggle the doorknob.

"Mer, is everything okay?" she doesn't say anything.

"Meredith, open the door," I tell her.

I wait a few seconds before I hear the door unlock. I wait until she's not near the door before I open it.

"were you just using the bathroom or was there another reason you were locked in here?" I ask.

"I was using the bathroom," she says not facing me.

"are you sure nothing else is wrong?" I ask.

"No, I'm fine," she says trying to walk past me.

"Meredith, I want to talk about what happened earlier," I say.

"Well I don't, we have to go,"

"Meredith, we're not leaving, and we do have to talk about it," I say.

"not right now-look Derek, the reason I stormed off was because I felt a contraction and my water just broke so we have to go to the hospital and I can't drive," she tells me before she walks out of the bathroom and leaves the bedroom.

I take in what she just said before I leave the bedroom. I find Meredith at the front door putting her coat on and grabbing her purse.

"grab the hospital bag please," she says.

I go into the nursery and grab the hospital bag and the car seat. I go out to the car and place everything in the back.

I get in the front seat as Meredith's already in the car and start driving to the hospital.

Words: 658

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