chapter 21

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I finish washing my hand for the tenth time until my hands are dry and about to crack. I go back into the bedroom and grab some lavender hand cream from my nightstand.

I go into the living room and see that Derek's mom is still here. she's sitting on the sofa chair while Derek is on the couch with his face in his hands as he listens to her talking.

"Meredith, thank god. I thought you were asleep," Derek says when he sees me. he stands up and walks over to me.

"What's going on in here?" I ask as he places his hands on my arms and kisses my head and then my lips.

"My mother came to talk to us about the baby," he says quietly looking me in the eyes.

"Our baby?" I ask. I could kill this woman right here and right now.

"Yes, our baby, or more so our son," he says.

"Derek, we don't know the gender of the baby yet," I say glancing back at her as she seems to be looking through Derek's baby book that we have in the apartment.

"I know, I'm not saying it's a boy, she's saying it's a boy. she thinks it's a boy, or she wants it to be a boy, or both,"

"And what is she going to do if it's a girl? cook her for Christmas dinner?"

"She came here to talk to us about the arrangement," he says.

"What arrangement?!" I raise my voice. she looks at me and glares.  I should be glaring at her if she thinks she gets a say in mine and my child's life.

"Come with me," he says as he takes my arm and leads me into the kitchen.

"What arrangement Derek?" I ask.

"She wants an arrangement with the baby, she wants to have the baby every weekend just on the weekends and then she'll bring it back on Monday," he says.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I yell.

"Meredith, please lower your voice," he whispers.

"I WILL NOT LOWER MY VOICE!" I yell again.

"Meredith," he sighs.

"NO! she is not having the baby every weekend, I'm not giving my one week old baby to a narcissistic woman whom I despise, the answer is no!" I yell.

"I'm not saying I agree with her, I'm just telling you this," he says softly.

"Is she actually serious? does she actually think I'll agreed to giving my newborn to her every weekend? EVERY weekend? she's the grandmother not the third parent. this isn't a divorce co-parenting thing. she gets to see the thing once a month, if that, she gets to see it when she sees it, I'm not going to push my plans to bring my newborn to see a narcissist, it's not going to see her enough for her to have an impact on it... get her to leave, tell her to leave," I say.



"Okay, I'll tell her to leave," he says.

I stay in the kitchen as he leaves the room. I hear her complain about me for a bit before he tells her he's heard enough and she leaves.

when he's done he comes back into the kitchen and stares at me.

"She's seeing it once a year, no more," I say before leaving the kitchen.

I grab some essential oil and put it in the oil diffuser. she wears this horrible smelling perfume that leaves the place smelling like her.

"I never told her that we were going to do it. I told her that you would never do it and that I wouldn't want to spend that much time away from the baby either," Derek says as he walks into the room.

"You're not in trouble, Derek. I just don't understand how on earth she thinks that it's a good idea, no parent would ever do that. not even she would do that with her own children," I say.

"She doesn't think before she speaks," he says sitting down on the coach, grimacing at the smell of her perfume.

"She thought about it before she came over here, she had enough time to realize how stupid she is," I say.


"I'm going to bed, are you coming with me or not?" I say.

"Yes, but I need to shower first," he says standing up.

"So do I," I smirk before we go into the bathroom and take a shower with hot shower sex.


Words: 752

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