Chapter 38

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Today we're going to my parents house to have them meet Noah.

Meredith and I think that it's finally time for them to find out about him. But they still don't know that he was born a month ago.

Noah's a month old now.

Meredith is taking a shower while I'm getting Noah ready in his nursery.

I put him in the car seat and buckle him in. He's dressed changed and he has a clean diaper.

I take his carrier into the living room where I see Meredith dresser in a knee length black dress and black heels with a bit of gold.

It hugs her waist and ass perfectly as well as showing a bit of cleavage. Her boobs are also much bigger now that she's breastfeeding but she won't let me have them in my mouth... I don't know why.

"You look beautiful," I say walking over to her.

I place my hand in her lower back and dip my head to kiss her.

Her golden blonde hair is curled perfectly to her shoulders. She's absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad I finally get to marry her. The love of my life.

She tries to pull away but I deepen the kiss. After a bit we pull away leaving her breathless with red swollen lips.

"Thank you," she says as she continues looking for something in her purse.

"What are you looking for?" I ask her.

"The keys to my car," she says.

"Mer, I thought I said I was driving," I say.

"Fine, you can drive," she says zipping her purse back up.

"Hello my little bug," she bends down and coos to Noah as he's sucking on his pacifier. She stands up straight again goes to the front door.

"Grab his diaper bag," she tells me.

I set Noah down by her before going into the nursery to grab the diaper bag.

"Did you put more diapers in there from last time," she asks as she puts her coat on.

"Yes, we have everything," I say.

I put my coat on and grab my car keys. I grab Noah's carrier.

"Derek, his blanket, he's going to freeze," she says.

I grab his blanket and put it on him. Mer opens the front door and walks out.

Once we get outside I place Noah in the back of the car and buckle him in.

I get in the driver seat as Meredith's already in the passenger seat.

"Does your mother know he's a month old?" She asks as she puts her seatbelt on.

"No, if she notices then we'll tell her but if she doesn't say anything then there's no reason to tell her," I say.

"She's gonna know, she's had five kids of her own, she'll know," Mer says.

"What's the worst she's going to do? Cook moan instead of a chicken," I chuckle.

"I mean.. I wouldn't put it past her," she says. I laugh.

I start the car and pull out of the parking lot and drive to my parents.

We arrive at my parents house. Meredith let's put a deep breath before she takes her seatbelt off and gets out of the car.

I go around to grab Noah from the back who is now sleeping. I grab the diaper bag and close the door.

"He's asleep?" Mer asks as we walk up to the front door.

"Yeah, but he won't be for long," I say.

Meredith knocks on the door as i have my hands full.

It takes only a few seconds before the door swings open.

"Derek!" My mother says. Noah shakes his head as his eye open slowly.

"Let me take this," she says taking Noah and the diaper bag and goes inside the house, leaving us standing outside in the cold.

"That was expected," Meredith says as he walk inside and take our coats off.

"OH THANK GOD ITS A BOY!," my mother says as she's now holding Noah.

"I hope we have a girl next time," Mer mumbles.

"We're going to have at least one girl eventually," I say kissing her head.

"Good, I want to see the look on her face when we do," she smiles. I glare at her.

"And really want a daughter to give her a pretty name," she says.

"A bit better," I say.

I take her hand and sit down on the couch and pull Meredith down next to me.

"Why you won't sit down on your own I will never understand," I say wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her close, away from Nancy who's on Meredith's other side.

"Derek, what's his name?" My mother asks.

"Noah," I say.

"Oh, that's just perfect," she says in a high voice to Noah.

"I hope she isn't like this all day," Meredith whispers to me.

"She definitely will," I say.

Words: 810

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