chapter 22

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Meredith is on the couch with an empty bucket next to her as she watches tv. I end the phone call with my mother and place it on the counter.

"My mother wants to apologize for last week," I say as I leave the kitchen and walk into the living room.

"There's always a catch," she says. she looks really pale, sickly pale in the face. she's wearing her pajamas with a blanket in her lap and her hair tied back.

"And she wants to have the baby every other week instead," I say sitting next to her.

"Okay," she says.

"You're doing it!" I exclaim.

"No, but I'm not going to argue with her," she says.

"And she might stop by later," I say.

"Why? she needs to learn that you don't with her anymore, and the fact that she wants our kid to live with her is so annoying,"

"I'm just surprised she's only done this with us, Nancy, Kate, and Liz, all have boys of their own I don't know why she doesn't care about them,"

"Because she's a bitch, can I stop talking now or else I'm going to throw up on you," she says.

"Yeah, you can stop talking now," I kiss her head.

"Ow," she mumbles.

"How does that hurt?" I ask her.

"Fever," she says.


four months later.

Meredith is now five months pregnant. Christmas went pretty well surprisingly. my mother didn't start anything with Meredith and we announced the pregnancy and everyone was excited and happy.

But my mother did give me an unpleasant call the day after at six in the morning while we were still asleep.

we're supposed to find the gender of the baby out soon but we're not sure if we want to or not. Meredith wants to find out so she can pick a name before its born, but I want to wait because I want the gender to be a surprise.

Meredith's sickness has gone down a bit but she still has sickness every mornings and nights.

"Derek, you're mom called again, she wants you to call her about something... and she also said she wants to start buying the baby clothes when we find out the gender," Meredith says as she comes from the bedroom.

"She already bought the baby some clothes for Christmas and we're not finding out the gender," I say walking over to her and placing my hand on the swollen bump of her stomach.

"What if I find out the gender and then you can stay not knowing?" she asks.

"How is that fair?" I ask rubbing her stomach gently as the bump pushes through her dress. she wears dresses more often now because they fit her stomach better than shirts and pants.

"And even when we do find out the gender she'll find out when the rest of the family finds out, when they meet her," I say kissing her head.

"She wants to be at the birth, Derek... I'm not even sure I want you there let alone her," she rolls her eyes as she walks away and picks up a hair tie from the coffee table and ties her hair back.

"What? you don't want me there, why wouldn't you want me there?" I ask walking to where she's standing now.

"Well... I'm going to be screaming, sweating, with my legs spread pushing a child's head out of my vagina which as you know is very small, are you sure you want to see that, to see me like that? some guys faint Derek," she says as she lets go of her hair and places her hands on my waist.

"If I'm going to become a doctor I'm going to need to start somewhere," I say.

"I thought you were going to do business?"

"I'm not sure yet. but either way I'm going to be in the delivery room, I don't even have to look at your vagina, but if I do we won't talk about it after, it'll be fine and you're also not supposed to look at your vagina for a few days after so don't do that," I tell her. she raises a brow.

"I don't know, you told me you learned it in one of your books," I say.

"Because I'm becoming a fetal surgeon, I have to know that and you probably should too, but still don't stare at my vagina while I'm giving birth unless you're staring at the head and even then you can wait until it's fully out," she says walking away and sitting on the couch.

"And tell your mom to stop calling me asking me if the baby as kicked yet, it kicks everyday and it's getting annoying,"

"I did, now she's going to call to everyday asking that," I say.

"Better you than me, you only have hormones when you're horny," she says.

"Whatever, if it bothers you then just don't answer her," she says.

"easier said then done," I say.

Words: 835


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