chapter 27

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Meredith was having her struggles when it came to being 7 months pregnant. the hormones, that back pain, the leg pain, the inability to get up on her own, only being able to take baths but not being able to get in them or out of them without a little bit of support.

but she knew all those would come with being pregnant, but the one of the things she felt very often that nobody would tell her about was she was always horny.

she of course knew that would be one o the hormones but she didn't know how frequent they would be.

she stood against the doorway of their bedroom wearing nothing but of Derek's shirts and a thin excuse for panties with her hair tired back in a loose ponytail. and of course the large diamond ring on her left hand.

she watched as Derek sat on the couch with one leg crossed over the other. he had a large textbook in his lap with a notebook on top as he wrote down notes.

he hadn't seemed to notice Meredith standing to his left.

after she admired her hot fiancée for a bit longer, she pushed herself off the wall and walked over to the couch where Derek sat.

"Finding anything helpful in that book?" she asked as she linked her arm with his, the one he wasn't using to write down his notes.

"Yes, many," he said offering her smile before turning his head back to his book.

she waited a moment to see if we would acknowledge her appearance but he never did.

"baby," she said in a sweet a sweet voice to get his attention.

"Hmm?" he hummed as he continued to write things down.

"I have a problem," she said. she removed one of her arm from around his and gently placed it on his thigh to get his blood going.

"And what's that?" he asked.

"There's this feeling, between my thighs that I can't seem to find a cure for, I've tried many things, my fingers, my vibrator, I even tried using your pillow because it smells like you, but the only thing that it seems to grave is your mouth," she said in a seductive voice.

he took a deep breath as he started to feel warmer, like someone had just turned the heat on as the imagines of his arms around her thighs, his tongue inside her hot core, his lips curled around her swollen clit begging for him raced through his mind.

"And what do you want me to do with that information?" he asked playing dumb as he knew he would make her beg more. he liked it when she begged for him to touch her even though she didn't need to.

"I want you to help me, you're the only one who has the skills for it," she said. she moved her hand from his thigh to his inner thigh, gently pressing her hand to his crotch. she felt his already hard cock swell against her soft touch.

"Please, Derek, please help me, I don't know what I would do without you're help," she whispered in his ear before gently nibbling on it.

"Please, Derek... I'll be in our room waiting for you," she said before she stood up and walked back into their room.

he waited a minute or two before closing his books and standing up to his feet. he opened the door to their bedroom and walked in.

he noticed that the room was completely dark. he flipped the light switch on, and when he turned to look at the bed he saw Meredith laying in bed, her legs spread with her ankles crossed reading a book, completely naked.

Derek felt his pants get tighter as she pretended to not notice he was there. he pulled his shirt over his head and walked around the bed to her side.

he grabbed the book from her hands and tossed it across the room.

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