Chapter 42

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Four years later


Noah is now four years old and we just had another baby a few months ago.

A little girl named Clara, Clara Mae Shepherd. She has beautiful blonde hair like mine and light blue eyes.

  She has beautiful blonde hair like mine and light blue eyes

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Noah's hair has gotten darker over time. Its now a dark brown and he has darker blue eyes, he looks just like Derek.

 Its now a dark brown and he has darker blue eyes, he looks just like Derek

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Carolyn hasn't been as bad as she was with Noah. She hardly comes over.

When we told her we were having another baby she was of course excited but that was only because since Noah she figured it would be another boy but when we found out it was a girl she wasnt too happy.

We did a big gender reveal where my sister Lexie was the only one who knew the gender and bought fireworks in that color.

They went off when it got darker and they were pink. Derek and I were both excited and Amelia was too, she was never really close with any of her sisters enough for them to let their kids play with her other than at family functions.

Amelia was four when Noah was born and she's now eight she they're pretty close. Amelia's loved Noah since he was born and I trust her alone with my kids more than I do Carolyn.

Amelia was excited to have a girl cousin to dress up with and play princesses with. Carolyn didn't really say anything during the gender reveal party but she also didn't seem very happy either.

she didn't say anything to me but she apparently said some things to Derek before she left at the end of the day.

she said some things along the lines of. "I'm very disappointed in you, but mostly Meredith," and "this is Meredith's fault, she's a girl and she has a sister, no brothers, it's her genetics," even though she's the one who had four daughters.

but of course she mostly blames me and Derek's still her golden boy.

a few weeks after Clara was born she sent me a voice message saying that I should have another baby once Clara was a year old to give having another boy a chance.

I will never understand what the big fuss is over having so many boys is. Derek and I already talked about the number of children we wanted to have and we agreed on three or four.

if in a year or two we decided we would want another then we would and so on but we will stop once we feel we have enough.

but Clara definitely hasn't been the easiest baby. no baby is easy but Noah was definitely easier than Clara.

the first two weeks she was fine but after that she wouldn't stop crying. we never got one night of sleep.

but once she was two months old she finally learned to sleep through the nights. she's been a pain in the ass but her being cute and looking like me helps a lot.

over the four years Derek and I both graduated college and our now we're in med school.

over those years Derek started working in the time I was home with the kids when we weren't in school, he even picked up extra night shifts.

I told him I had more than enough to provide for us from my fathers inheritance and my mothers trust fund other than what she put away from college and med school but he said he didn't want me to be the only one providing for the family and that they were his kids too.

it turned into a small argument but I eventually let it go. I just didn't want him coming home tired and not seeing the kids as much.

we bought a house for us to live in. it's much bigger and their are more bedrooms for the kids. Noah and Clara each have their own room down the hall from ours. it's not our forever home but it will do for now.

I just picked up Noah from daycare while my mom was watching Clara for us while we were in school. Derek got out early because he threw up.

he called me telling me what happened and I asked him if he felt sick. he said he didn't feel sick and that that he was just tired.

I think he's been overworking himself a lot lately.

I open the front door and Noah runs in. Clara's currently sleeping in her carrier. I walk in and take her to her nursery.

I place the carrier on the rocking chair and gently remove her and carefully place her in the crib.

she stays asleep as I turn the lights off and go into the other room.

"where's Daddy?" Noah asks me as he walks up to me.

"I don't know Honey, why don't you go check our room," I tell him.

he nods and runs to our bedroom. "but if he's sleeping don't wake him!" I tell him.

he opens the door and looks inside before running over to me.

"Daddy's sleeping," he frowns.

"Daddy's been really tired lately, why don't you and I go play for a little and wait for him to wake up," I say. he nods and takes my hands and we go play in his room.

Words: 893

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