chapter 37

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I wake up in the same position as I fell asleep in. I push the blanket off of me and get out of bed.

I stand up and leave the room. I see that Mark is now gone and it's just Derek sitting on the couch.

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask sitting next to him.

"two, three hours. do you feel better now that you've showered and slept?" he asks wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes, I feel much better now," i say.

"Where's Noah?" I ask.

"He's in his room napping, mark wore him out," he says.

I roll my eyes. "Do I want to know how?"

"It was nothing bad, he just played with him and talked to him a lot and I think Noah just got annoyed and fell asleep," he chuckles.

"Talked to him about what? Mark has so life,"

"About his girl problems, he got a girl pregnant and now he doesn't know what to do," he says.

"Ugh," I roll my eyes.

"He kept asking me these questions about being a father and if I thought he could do it," he says.

"And what did you say?" I ask.

"I told him if he wanted to be a good father then he could do it but if he didn't want it enough then he wouldn't be able to do it," he says.

"Is he still just having sex with this girl or is he actually dating her?" I ask.

"Mark would never date, he's still just sleeping with her occasionally and she told him the other day,"

"Is she going to keep it?" I ask.

"He says that she really wants to have the baby," he says.

"Then he should probably stay... he would have joint custody of the baby and it gets easier once they learn how to sleep for the night," I say.

"Yeah... do you think I have eye bags?" He asks as he looks at me.

"A little, why?" I giggle.

"Mark said I have eye bags," he says a little disappointed.

"Do you want some concealer to cover it up?" I joke.

"No, definitely not," he chuckles.

"I have some eye cream that you can start using every night before bed, that should help," I say.

"Is that what you do?" He asks.

"Yes," I nod.

"I don't know how you know all this stuff, skincare, makeup, nails, you're such a woman," he says.

"Well obviously," I giggle. "Who did you think you were marrying?"

"Some old man," he shrugs.

"Yeah, okay," I say.

I hear the baby monitor start to go off.

"I'll get it," I say standing up.

I go into the nursery and see Noah in the crib crying. I walk over to him and gently pick him up.

I sit down on in the rocking chair with him laying on my chest. I remove my shirt and line his mouth with my breast.

He quickly latched on and starts sucking. Breastfeeding does feel a little weird the first few times and it hurt the first time I did it but I've learned to like breastfeeding.

It's like bonding with him in a way no one else can.

I gently rub his back as he continues to nurse. Once he's done I remove him from my breast and hold him in my arm. I wipe my nipple off as well as his mouth.

His eyes start to slowly fall shut as he has a hard time keeping time open.

I lay him back on my chest and let him sleep with skin to skin contact.

Once he's asleep I get up and place him back in his crib. I grab my shirt and put it back on.

I leave his nursery, gently closing the door behind me. I go back into the living room and sit back down next to Derek.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, he was just hungry but he didn't need a diaper," I say.

"No, I mean you, are you okay?" He asks.

I look at him confused. "Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Because you hadn't sleep in days before you took a two hour nap," he says.

"I'm fine, I've slept, I've showered, I feel fine," I say.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" He asks.

"I dont know, I don't remember," I say.

"I'll start dinner and then we can go to bed," he says.

"Okay," I say. He kisses my head before he stands up and goes into the kitchen.

Words: 760
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