chapter 4.

692 33 26

Meredith Grey.

I breath heavily as I look down at Derek, his tongue in my pussy while his thumb rubs my clit. my legs are on either side of his head.

"Ohhh, fuck Derek," I moan as my walls clamp around his tongue and I release before he licks me clean.


I breath heavily as he lays next to me.

"Feel less insecure now?" I ask turning on my side to face him.

"my back hurts, you go down too hard," he groans turning to lay on his stomach.

"that's not possible, there's no way I'm too much for you it's the other way around if anything. you work out everyday so that's not possible," I say placing my hand on his back, running my nails up and down his back gently.

"I haven't worked out today," he says turning his head to face my against the pillow.

"that's fine, you can take one day off," I kiss his forehead.

"but then everything I eat is going to sit in my stomach until I gain weight," he says.

"you're not going to gain weight eating normally. I eat more than you and I never gain weight from it. just drink water to balance it out and you'll be fine," I say.

"Just because that works for you doesn't mean it'll work for me," he says as his back fills with goosebumps as I start running my nails over his skin a but slower.

"fine, you can work out later when you're not so tired," I say. I remove my hand from his back. I pull the covers over my shoulder and press myself against him. I put my hand back on his face and start gently scraping it.

"Are you getting tired?" he asks turning over onto his facing me. as he moves my hands trails down to stomach instead. I trace my fingers over his abs.

"a little bit," I say closing my eyes. I press my forehead against his chest and yawn.

"what if we had a baby," Derek says, out of the blue.

"what do you mean?" I ask confused as I move to be closer to him, pressing myself against him completely.

"we didn't use protection," he whispers.

"I know, we never do," I say.

"exactly. so you could get pregnant. would what we do if you got pregnant?" he asks. I've never really thought about it. It's crossed my mind before but I've never actually thought about it.

"I don't know, I guess we would keep it," I shrug.

"how would we do school?" he asks.

"well, we would do it at home while it's still young and if we needed help we could ask your parents or my mom. and when it's older we could take it to daycare or your parents since my mom works a lot," I say.

"so we would be fine having a child now?" he asks.

"I guess so. I don't think we should purposely try to get pregnant right now but if he did happen we would still be able to graduate and we would make it out just fine," I say.

"but what if our patents didn't want to help us? my parents aren't the biggest fan of you, they tolerate you because I love you but what if they decided they didn't want to help the kid because it looked like you?" he says. I think he's just trying to think of all the bad possibilities.

"then we would get my mom to do it. or Lexie, she's sixteen she would watch a kid. or we would just have to get it some sleeping pills and drug the thing until it falls asleep so we can get our work done," I say.

"that doesn't sound legal," he says.

"who said it wasn't legal? they make sleeping pills for babies," I say.

"But you shouldn't give it to them too much," he says.

"babies take naps during the day anyways. and we don't need to be worrying about these kind of stuff anyways, I'm not pregnant and I wont be for a while. lets just try to get some sleep," I say.

"I don't know if I'm that tired," he says.

"I took a nap earlier," he adds.

"then stay here until I fall asleep and then you can slip out of bed and go masturbate in the shower," I mumble against his chest.

"we just had like five rounds of sex, my balls are bruised, I couldn't even masturbate if I wanted to," he kissed the top of my head.

"that's the goal," I say before yawning again.

I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him close to me as I start to fall asleep.


Words: 793


should mer get pregnant???

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