chapter 36

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~two weeks later~

Noah's two weeks old. I haven't slept in 48 hours. Derek's not home because he's at school while I'm here with Noah.

he's currently sleeping in his room and I'm on the couch in the living room. I've already cleaned up the place and I don't know what to do now.

I don't know how long it's been since I've showered or changed. I should shower now but I'm too tired to.

But I also don't want to go to sleep because I have other things to do. Derek should be home in a few hours and he also has to bring my work home which I don't know how I'm going to get it done with Noah here.

Noah's going through his 'screaming all day every day for no reason' phase.

I push myself off the couch and go into the bathroom.

I start the shower and once the water is hot I start to take my clothes off.

Right as I'm about to step into the shower I hear Noah start to cry in the other room.

I put on my robe and go into his nursery. I pick him up from his crib.

I feel that he needs a clean diaper so I lay him down on the changing table and change his diaper and put him into some clean clothes since he peed through his pajamas.

I put him into a clean dark blue onesie and take him into the bathroom with me.

I put him in his little baby swing that we l
Keep in our room.

I wait a few seconds before I see that he's done crying and I get into the shower.

I quickly wash my body and my hair before I get out and wrap a towel around my body.

I towel dry my hair and pick up Noah from the swing and take him into the living room.

I place him in the bassinet and grab some clothes from my closet.

I leave the bedroom door open so I can still see him as I'm getting dressed.

I hear the front door open as I'm putting on my bra.

"Hello my little man," I hear Derek say as he picks up Noah. I hear Noah coo.

"Shit, man, he looks like Mer. Guess you'll have to try again for one that looks like you," I hear Mark say.

Once I hear Marks voice I quickly get dressed into some comfortable clothes and get into the living room.

"You showered, did he sleep through it?" Derek says.

"No, I had him in the bathroom when I was showering," I say.

"Your work is in my bag at the door," he says.

"Can you watch him for a bit? I just changed him and he's just woken up," I say.

"Yeah of course," he says.

I grab the school work from Derek's bag and take it into my room while Derek and mark stay with Noah.

I grab my school books and a pencil to start doing my work.

I lay down and do some work for a bit before my eyes start to fall shut.

I couldn't keep my eyes open so I closed them and let sleep take over my body.


I sway back and forth with Noah on my chest as I gently pat his back.

"So, is being a parent fun, should I get some girl pregnant?" Mark asks from his spot on the couch.

"You should never get a girl pregnant, period, but aside from that yeah it is fun," I say.

"You have eye bags, is that part of the fun?" He says.

"He's going through a screaming all the time phase," I say.

"Isn't that all baby's do?"

"No, he'll grow out of it... he's just getting used to being alive," I say.

"Aren't we all?"

"You're in depressing mood lately, did some girl manage to get ahold of your heart enough to break it?" I say as I walk into the kitchen and make Noah a bottle.

I grab some of the breast milk from the fridge and run it under some warm water before giving it to him.

I let him in my arm and let him suckle on it.

"I don't know, you know that girl I was kinda seeing?" He says as I walk back into the living room.

"The blonde you were fucking?" I say.

"Doesn't Mer have a rule of not cursing in front of the fetus?"

"Fetus? That's what you call him?" I say.

"He's a fetus. And yeah her, Samantha... she might be pregnant," he says with a grimace.

"Mark, are you kidding? You can't be a father," I say.

"Well you're doing it, it can't be that hard," he says.

"It's harder then it seems. And I've always wanted kids you haven't," I say.

"You converted Meredith, and now she's a mother," he says trying to make a point.

"Are you sure you want to be a father? Once it's done you can't bail, especially when the kids old enough to remember you, it'll traumatize them," I say.

"I know, look at Meredith," he says pointing to the bedroom door where Meredith is.

"Meredith turned out fine, and don't insult her," I say.

"Right, forgot, you're marrying her... you're never going to be a single man again, are you sure you don't want to screw a few more girls before you make this thing permanent?"

"I'm not interested in sleeping with anyone else, you'll understand when you find someone one day," I say.

"I don't think that's for me,"

"You never know, you might meet someone," I say.

"You said Meredith had sisters, are any of them hot?" He asks.

"You think you got a girl pregnant and you want to sleep with Meredith sister?"

"You said one was married what about the other one?"

"She's single and too young for your old ass, figure it out with the blonde before you want to mess with my life," I say.

"Your life?"

"Yes, Lexies another sister, if you break her heart or hurt her she's going to tell Mer and them mers going to be on my ass about it which interferes with my life,"

"Just a one time fuck, nothing big," he says.

"So Mer was right, you're only packing two inches," I chuckle.

"Shut up, you know what I meant," he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, sure,"

I walk into the bedroom to see how Mer is doing with her school work.

I see her full asleep at the end of the bed. I smile to myself before I walk over to her.

I grab all the books and pages and place them somewhere else.

I grab a blanket and place it on her. I kiss her forehead before leaving the room and closing the door.

Words: 1145

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