chapter 12

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Meredith Grey.

I finish taking a bath a get dressed into my pink fuzzy pajamas and go into the living room with a blanket.

I sit on the couch and turn the tv on. I grab my hair clip from next to me and put my hair up so the water doesn't drip onto my clothes. I put a towel around my neck.

after around twenty minutes I hear the front door open and Derek walks through the door with multiple bags.

"How many pregnancy tests did you buy?" I ask him as he sets the bags down on the counter with a sigh.

"I bought some medicine too," he says.

"how many?"

"I also got some other things," he says.

"like?" I ask.

"just some things that we needed," he says. he goes through the bags and takes out a few boxes and walks over to me.

"Here, take these," he says sitting next to me and handing me the boxes.

"can I take them later, I'm tired right now," I say placing them on the coffee table.

"you have the bladder of a squirrel, take it when you have to pee," he says.

"was there a man or woman cashier?" I ask him.

"it was a woman," he says.

"sounds like fun," I smile as I lean into his chest.

"she asked me if I was even old enough to have sex, she was like eighty," he groans pressing his face into my neck. I giggle.

"you'll probably never see her again," I gently rub his leg.

"can we go to sleep soon?" he asks.

"yes. but I have to go to the bathroom first," I say. I pat his leg before getting off the couch.

"take the tests with you," he says as I almost forget.

I grab a few of the tests and go to the bathroom.


after I take the tests I go back into the bedroom to see Derek already asleep in bed. He's had a long day.

I go to where he is laying in bed and get in next to him.

I look at the tests again and see the words.


Since Derek is already asleep I decide not to wake him up and I'll tell him tomorrow.

I get in bed next to him and try to fall asleep.

I can't fall asleep. I get up and go into the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

As I'm making a sandwich I start thinking about us having a baby.

We have an extra bedroom that we use a guest bedroom, we could put the baby in there.

I have more than enough money to support Derek and I and a baby, but the only problem is we have school, we're still in college and we'll also be going to medical school, we'll I don't know about Derek but I'll be going and even if Derek doesn't go to grad school he'll be working.

I would say we have Derek parents but we don't, Christopher likes me but Carolyn controls most things in the house and if she says no, everyone has to agree.

My mother works full time as a surgeon and she hardly had time for me when I was a child, she did her best but I still spent most of my time in daycare or with nanny's.

I don't want my kids to grow up like that. I want them to have parents and remember their childhood with their parents.

I know Derek won't be mad about having a baby because he already wants like six, but we're still young and we have school.

But we'll have to make it work. For the baby

I finish making my sandwich and eat it. Once I'm finish I drink some water before going back to bed.

Shes pregnant!!

What do we think?!?!

Boy or girl??


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