chapter 13.

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the next morning I wake up. I roll over onto my side to face Meredith. she's still asleep with her back facing towards me.

"when did you go to bed last night," I ask her, wrapping my arms around her waist, pressing my face into her neck.

"I don't know, maybe an hour and a half after you went to sleep," she says.

"I'll get breakfast started," I say. I kiss her head before getting up and out of bed.

"I have to pee," she says rolling out of bed.

"Speaking of peeing... did you take those tests last night?" I ask her. I kind of hope she's pregnant.

"Yeah, they're on the nightstand," she says before going into the bathroom.

I put some clothes on and walk around to the bed to see tests on her nightstand.

I few a few tests on the nightstand. she didn't take them all but she took a few, she took four.

I pick up one of the tests and see the word.


I pick up another. pregnant. I pick up a third one. pregnant.

and I pick up the last one. pregnant. they all say pregnant.

I feel a smile spread across my face before I put them back on the nightstand.

I leave the bedroom and go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I take a few things out of the fridge and put a pan on the stove, turning the stove on. I put eggs and bacon into two different pans.

I'm putting some bread into the toaster when I hear the bedroom door open and Meredith comes into the kitchen. she sits down at the counter.

"did you see the pregnancy tests?" she asks in a raspy voice.

"yes, I did. are you happy?" I ask her.

"about the baby, yeah, I'm kind of excited to have a little you or me running around the house, but right now I'm too tired to be happy," she says.

"I hope it looks like you," I say as I plate some of the food.

"I don't want it to look like me, I want maybe one kid that looks like me and I want the rest to look like you," she says.

"why do you want only one to look like you?" I ask her.

"so it can be special," she smiles.

"are you kidding me? you would favor the one that looks most like you?" I say sarcastically.

"only a bit, but if they all looked like me and only one looked like you, you would favor it too and you would suck at hiding it," she says.

"that's not true," I say placing the plate in front of her.

"yes, it is," she says as she grabs the fork out of my hand before I can hand it to her and starts eating. she takes a big fork full into her mouth.

"slow down, don't choke, baby," I tell her.

"I'm hungry," she mumbles with a mouthful.

I finish making the rest of food and I eat mine while Meredith brings her empty plate to the sink. she goes to the fridge and takes out leftovers from the other day and goes into the living room and starts eating it.

after I finish eating I take my empty plate into the sink and go into the living room where Meredith is. I sit next to her on the couch.

"how were you still hungry?" I ask her.

"I don't know," she sighs as she places the empty container on the coffee table.

"what do you want to do now?" I ask her.

"I don't know, I'm horny," she shrugs.

"I thought you were half asleep," I chuckle.

"not anymore. let's go," she says standing up.

"Now? you want to have sex now?" I ask her, shocked.

"well, I'm already pregnant, you have nothing to worry about," she giggles.

"fine, we'll have sex at ten in the morning," I say getting up and following her into the bedroom.


I'm completely naked. she's wearing nothing but panties. I pull down her panties and toss them onto the floor. she grabs my hands and pulls me towards her and we start making out. I rub my tip against her clit and push gently.

"Derek, please," she moans.

I chuckle against her lips and kiss her again before swiftly slip myself inside her. I trust In and out of her.

she throws her head back and moans loudly as I start thrusting faster. I kiss her cheek before leaning down and taking one of her breasts into my mouth.

I grab my thighs and wrap them around my waist, pulling her closer and going inside her deeper.

I hold her thighs firmly as I start pounding into her. she closes her mouth and stops herself from moaning.

I let go of her thighs and grab onto her hips. I flip her over onto her stomach and grab both her hands and hold them to her lower back.

I grab all her hair so it's not in her face and hold it into a ponytail as he fuck her from behind.

she cries out in pleasure as walls start clamping around my thick cock and release a large amount of come into her.

I breathe heavily as I continue to fuck her from behind until she comes. she comes all over the bedsheets.

I gently flip he back onto her back and slip out of her with ease do to her wetness. she's breathing heavily through her mouth as I kiss from both her breasts down to her wet, dripping pussy.

I push her legs open and starts licking her clean. I trust my tongue into her tight hole while she's being overstimulated by my thumb rubbing her clit.

she moans softly as lick up her pussy and start sucking on her cherry red clit. I bring two fingers up and slowly start thrusting them into her quickly.

her fingers clamp around my fingers. her tiny body shook as she starts to come around my fingers. I chuckle softly at the effect I have on her as I remove my fingers from her.

I put my fingers in my mouth and lick off the sweetness of her come until they're clean. I sit up on my knees and wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand before I move to lay next to her.

"that was amazing," she says still out of breath as I wrap my arms around her body and pull her into me.

"yes, it was, and your hot body made it a thousand times better," I say kissing her cheek and then her shoulder.

"can I go to sleep again?" she asks tiredly as she closes her eyes and rests her head against my chest.

"of course, you can baby, it's the least I can do for making you so tired," I smile kissing her head.

"I love your huge dick," she smiles small.

"I know you do, you can suck when you wake up. it's the least you can do to thank me for getting you pregnant," I say laying on my back and pull her on top of me.

"Mmm, don't talk about me sucking your dick, it'll turn me on and make me want to do that instead of going to sleep," she says.

"go to sleep, baby," I kiss her lips.

"Okay," she whispers before she falls asleep.


Words: 1248

did you miss my smut??😏😏


should I write more smut in my stories??

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