Chapter 23

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I'm now seven months pregnant. I'm starting to get tired of pregnancy, it's been seven months of throwing up, fevers, back pain, uncontrollable hormones, and what feels like the worst, Derek's mother.

She won't stop calling, she acts like she's never seen a pregnancy before She's been pregnant five times and all her daughters have been pregnant more than twice, minus Amelia.

I honestly have no idea what it is about this pregnancy that she's so much more interested in. I called Kate and Liz, asking them if she was the same with them and they said no, she only every so often asked about their pregnancies.

I didn't call Nancy because she hates me but I asked Liz and she said Carolyn was no different with Nancy then she was with them.

I figured it had to be Derek, Derek was the reason she wants so much to do with this baby. Without a doubt she would carry this baby herself if she could.

Derek has to be the reason. She wants a boy, she desperately wants us to have a boy, and she wants him to have black and and bright blue eyes, just like Derek.

I think she always wanted another son, that's how Amelia got here, she was supposed to be a boy but they ended up with another girl, thankfully they don't neglect her because of it but it still has to suck knowing you weren't what your parents wanted.

She wants another Derek and if she doesn't get what she wants she going to blame me because if this baby comes out the opposite of what she wants, a girl, blonde hair, green eyes, she's going to blame me.

She's also tried convincing me to also want a boy because she think that if I want it to be a boy and think it's a boy it will be born a boy.

I honestly couldn't care what this baby is. It's a baby that's all I want from it, all I ask is that he or she is healthy and beautiful, nothing more nothing else, it's easy.

Of course it would be nice to have a mini me running around this house but I'd also be happy with a son that looks like Derek.

But what if it comes out both? Blonde hair blue eyes, or black hair and green eyes? What will she think then?

We still don't know the gender yet, we're thinking about finding when it's born, it's only a two month wait anyways.

Carolyn on the other hand is upset that we haven't found out the gender yet, she wants to know the gender as soon as possible.

Derek doesn't want to know and I guess I'm fine with waiting too, but she has this thing in her head where she strongly believes that she has a say and right in everything we do.

Before she didn't have an excuse but now that I'm pregnant and carrying her grandchild she had an excuse.

She's started controlling what cleaners we use because the ones we had were 'too strong' even though ever since the baby Derek does the cleaning.

She even threw out my prescription meds because they had 'do not take while pregnant' written on them.

I knew I wasn't supposed to take them and I had stopped once I found out about the baby, but she refused to believe me.

She comes over so much more often now. She's even started decorating the nursery and that infuriated me the most.

This is my child, the least I should be able to do is decorate the nursery and buy the baby clothes.

She's had five nurseries to decorate and five babies to buy clothes for, why does she need to steal that away from me on my first?

This is supposed to be exciting, it's supposed to be thrilling having our first child but instead it's being ruined by her.

"Meredith, have you seen my good red shirt?" Derek asks as he walks out of the bathroom, shirtless fresh out of the shower.

"It's clean, it's still on the kitchen table from when I was folding the laundry," I say.

"Thanks," he says before going to leave the room.

"Derek," I say.

"Yeah, Mer," he says turning back to me.

"Can you tell your mother to stop... doing everything she is doing when it comes to the baby... I just- It-..."

"What is it, Mer? you can tell me," he says walking over to the bed, sitting next to me.

"She's making me regret getting pregnant! I hate being pregnant because of her, she makes me not want to have a baby... it doesn't even feel like mine anymore, I feel like a surrogate for her," I say feeling the tears burning in my eyes.

"Meredith-" he whispers.

"No, Derek, I don't want her around me or the baby anymore than she has to. I'm fine with her being a grandmother and I'm fine with her seeing... whatever it is every so often but every day, her being here everyday? I can't do her everyday," I say.

"I know, I'm sorry," he hugs me.

"Is she stopping by today?" I ask, resting my head on his chest.

"Yeah, I think so," he says.

"Ugh, Derek," I say pulling away from him and wiping my eyes.

"We don't have to let her in, the front door is locked and as long as we don't answer the door she can't come in, she'll probably yell a bit but that's really it, she can't do anything," he says pulling me into his chest again.

"We're also getting rid of everything she's bought for the baby, she has the worst taste when it comes to baby things, I feel bad for you," I say.

"I feel bad for you, you don't deserve this bullshit she's giving you," he kisses my head.

"No, cursing," I slap his leg gently.

"why does that bother you so much when I curse?" he asks.

"Because when you curse it means you're mad," I say.

we sit in silence for a bit before we hear a knock at the front door.

"that's her," I say.

"Just wait, she'll go away eventually," he whispers in my ear.

it takes a few minutes of her yelling at me and yelling at Derek before she finally walks away.

"See? gone," he says.

"I don't know if it's that easy," I sigh.

we hear a loud bang come from the front door.

"She's going to break the front door open, go answer the door before we have to replace it, and you're going to have to replace me before she's going to kill me,"

"she can't kick down the door, she doesn't have that kind of power," he says.

"Derek," I say.

"I'll go check on it, but I won't let her in," he says.

"she'll push you in, Derek, I just- I'm going to take a shower- I can't do this today again," I say holding back a sob. I get up from our of bed as he leaves the room.

I sob in the shower as I'm showering

Words: 1184


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