Chapter 7.

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I finish doing my nails. I decided since it's almost Christmas and December I would do some Christmas-y nails.

They're simple but cute. They're red glitter French tips with a nude base and a present wrapping in the ring finger.

I put some cuticle oil and some hand cream on before I put on a three thin simple sliver band rings before going out of the room

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I put some cuticle oil and some hand cream on before I put on a three thin simple sliver band rings before going out of the room.

When I go out of the bedroom and into the living room I see that Derek's mother is surprisingly not here yet.

I walk over to Derek who is sitting on the couch doing some kind of paper work.

I take it out from his hand and sit on his lap while looking over at the paper.

"I like this dress," he says softly as he plays with the indigo fabric before kissing my cheek as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"What is this?" I ask.

"It's just some school work," he says taking it out of my hands.

"Derek we don't have school work, we're on Christmas break," I say.

"Fine," he sighs.

"It's papers from the court, you've been served. You're sister Molly wants to sue you for all the money that your father gave you when he died," he says handing them back to me.

I read the papers because I think he's lying but when I read them completely I see that he's telling the truth.

"Why the hell would she do this? Can she do this?" I ask turning back to look at him.

"I don't know, she might be able to but she might not," he says.

"But she has to reason the win, it was in the will. Can she sue me Derek?" I ask.

"I don't know Mer, I'm not studying to become a lawyer. But izzie is, try asking her, she'll know better," he says. I can't believe Molly would do this. She doesn't even need the money.

"I like your nails, they're pretty. Very festive," Derek says as he holds my hand in his. He kisses my hand.

"Derek?" I say.

"what is it?" he asks placing his hand on my thigh.

"I'm scared," I say.

"what are you scared of?" he asks concerned.

"what if she really sues me?" I tear up.

"Meredith, you have the money for a good lawyer, she has no real reason to be mad at you and she has nothing to use against you in court, she can't sue you," he says cupping my cheek in his hand.

"when is your mother coming over?" I ask changing the subject.

"she'll be here soon, and she might bring Amelia and my father since he's not working today," he says.

"great, more eyes to judge," I roll my eyes as I cross my left leg over the right.

"my dad doesn't hate you as much as my mom does. you're not his favorite person in the world but you're also not his least favorite person in the world," he says.

"you're parents would fall into a coma if we got married and they would probably kill themselves if we had a baby," I say leaning back against his chest.

"then we'll make sure to have many, many babies for them to hate, and we'll have three weddings to make sure they know we're going to be together forever," he smiles.

"really? you'd do that for me?" I smile placing my hand on his chest.

"Of course I would," he grins.

"you're amazing, this is why I love you," I smile brightly before leaning down and kissing him softly on the lips.

"We're here- oh! no making babies- at least not now- or ever really," we hear his mother say as she walks through the front door.

I pull away from the kiss and lick my lips as I turn to press my face into his neck.

"I thought the front door was locked," Derek says as I move out of his lap.

"I probably forgot to lock it after I got back from shopping," I say.

"you forgot to lock the door when you went shopping?" Derek says in disbelief.

"you're always here, I don't know, I forget sometimes, not often but sometimes," I say getting comfortable on the couch.

"we took a two hour nap," he says.

"and no one has never came into our apartment," I roll my eyes.

"just remember next time, okay dear? Derek hates the thought of someone breaking into the house," his mother says.

"yes, Mrs. Shepherd," I say. she always told me to call her Carolyn when I was younger and I did but the more judgmental she became the more I felt like I needed to call her Mrs. Shepherd and she doesn't seem bothered by it so I think she prefers it.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," derek says softly kissing my head.

"I know," I say quietly before standing up.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," I say before I go into the bedroom and use the bathroom connected to it.


Also please leave some ideas for arranged love and loving you is hard

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