chapter 20

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I walk into the Mcdonalds building and order the food. I go sit down and wait for the food to be ready.

"Hello," a girl comes up to me.

"Hi," I smile back before going back onto my phone.

"Is someone sitting here?" she asks pointing to the sit across from me. I'm sitting at a two seat table.

"No," I answer.

"I can sit here?" she asks pulling out the chair.

"Sure," I nod, keeping my eyes on my phone.

"So... what's your name?" she asks.

"Um... Derek," I nod looking up at her. she has brown hair and brown eyes.

"Derek, I'm Rose," he says.

"It's nice to meet you, Rose," I say smiling at her.

"So, what brings you here?" she asks.

"Um, I think the same reason anyone else comes to Mcdonalds," I say.

"Right, stupid question," she laughs.

"I'm a straight forward person and I don't like to beat around the bush, can I get your number?" she asks.

"Um, No, actually I'm seeing someone," I smile so it doesn't sound like I'm being rude.

"So?" she says.

"So, I'm in love with a woman, a woman I have known my entire life, I would never give her up just for some girl I meet. she's the one, I'm not letting her go," I say. she leans forward onto the table and goes to reach for my hand. I lean back away from the table and continue texting Meredith on my phone, telling her all about what's happening, she thinks this is hilarious.

"What makes this girl so special?" she asks, unimpressed.

"You don't know, you wouldn't understand. not to mention that she's pregnant and I proposing soon," I say standing up and walking away.

I hear my number being called. I grab the food and leave and drive home.

I arrive back at the apartment. I unlock the door and walk inside the place.

"So... how pretty was she?" Meredith giggles from her spot on the couch.

"She was alright," I shrug sitting next to her on the couch. she looks at me for a second before she turns her head away from me and starts laughing.

"It's not funny, Meredith," I say placing my arm behind her.

"It kind of is," she says calming down and turns her attention to the food in front of me.

"How is it funny?" I ask her.

"Because you sounded so scared when you texted me, like your were scared that I was going to be mad," she smiles.

"Because I thought you were going to be mad at me, most women don't like it when other women hit on their boyfriends," I say as she starts eating.

"You'd never cheat on me, I know that," I she shrugs.

"As long as you know that," I say.

we both eat our food before watching a movie on tv.

Meredith is laying with her head in my lap as she starts to fall asleep as I'm running my fingers through her hair.

then there's a knock at the door.

"Who is that?" Meredith says tiredly as she stirs a bit.

"I don't know, I'll go check," I say. I kiss her head before gently removing myself from under her and she sits up.

I go to the front door. I unlock it and open it... to see my mother.

"Ma? what are you doing here? it's late," I say.

"I came to talk to you and Meredith about the baby," she says pushing me aside and walking into the house.

"Ma, it's not your place to talk about the baby, it's Meredith's and my baby, not yours," I sigh closing the door.

"Well, it is my grandson," she says.

"Ma, we don't know if it's a boy, there's a large chance that it's a girl, I do have four sisters and Meredith has two of her own," I say.

"Still," she says as she searches around the room for Meredith. she must have left the room when she heard it was my mother.

"Meredith went to bed early, she had a busy day," I say.

"Alright, then you and I will talk about the baby," she says.

"Meredith's and my baby," I correct.

"whatever," she says sitting down in the sofa chair.

"Alright, we'll talk about my baby," I sigh.



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