chapter 2.

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Derek Shepherd.

I woke up a few hours later with the tv still playing the Grinch in the back round, Meredith wanted to watch it before we went to bed.

When I turned to look out the window the sun was up. I looked at the alarm clock I saw that it was almost seven in the morning.

I roll back over to face Meredith and push the blonde hair out of her face and start raining light kisses all over her face.

she stirs a bit, she puts her hand on my shoulder as she pulls back a bit before she opens her eyes. she looks at me for a second before she closes her eyes again and wraps her arms around me and cuddles into my chest.

"Meredith, it's morning, it's time to wake up," I whisper kissing her forehead.

"No," she groans.

"I'm too tired," she mumbles into my chest.

"I know. come on, take a shower with me, it'll wake you up," I say kissing her head before unwrapping her arms from me and getting out of bed.

"Mer?" I ask as I remove my shirt. I see that she's still asleep on the bed cuddled into my pillow.

I roll my eyes before I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I put my hand under it to make sure it's the right temperature before going back into the bedroom area.

I see that Meredith is still asleep in bed. I pull the covers off her and put my hands on the back of her legs and behind her back before carrying her bridal style into the bathroom.

she mumbles something incoherent as I place her down on the sink counter.

I carefully remove her clothes until she's naked in front of me. I leave her sitting as I remove my sweatpants.

once I'm fully naked I lift her up again and take her into the shower with me.

"Derek!" she exclaims as she feels the warm water on her naked body.

"How did I get naked?" she asks as she looks down at her body before wrapping her arms around my and pushing her face into my chest.

"I helped you get naked. you wouldn't wake up and I wanted to spend time with you so I had to wake you up somehow," I say.

"You're the worst boyfriend ever," she groans.

"I know," I kiss her head before pulling her off my body. she whines a bit as I place her in front of me with her facing the shower head.

I grab a bottle of her lavender shampoo and squeeze some into my hand before lathering it into her scalp.

I rinse the shampoo out before putting some more in her hair to double cleanse and rinse that out as well.

I push the water out of her forehead so it doesn't go into her eyes before I place both my hands on her arms and lean forward to kiss her cheek.

when I pull back I see that her eyes are still closed and it looks like she's fallen asleep standing, or she's just resting her eyes.

I continue, I grab the purple bottle of her lavender conditioner and squeeze a lot of it into my hand and later it all over her hair.

I've already bought many things her in lavender. Meredith loves candles but she only likes specific scents. she doesn't really like candles that smell like food or baked goods, she prefers flowers, specifically lavender but she does also like other floral scents, they usually consist of other purple flower scents but she also loves Cherry blossoms.

Meredith has this thing where she likes to look nice all the time, not dressed up but although she does get dressed up in a dress some days, she really likes making sure her hands look 'pretty' whatever that means.

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