chapter 17

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We walk into the kitchen and see my mother cooking at the stove.

"Hi, Ma," I say.

"Hello, Derek!" she smiles as she turns around to see me. Meredith quickly moves to stand behind me as my mother walks over to us.

"Did Meredith come with you?" she asks, her smile fading at the mention at Meredith.

"Yes, she's actually-" I say as I turn around to introduce her but when I turn around, I see that she's no longer behind me.

"So, you didn't bring her?" she smiles small.

"No, I did, she just in the living room. Why do you seem disappointed that Meredith's here? you invited the both of us," I say.

"I invited both of you because I didn't want to seem rude, I didn't think she wanted to come," she says.

"She didn't but she wanted me to go so she came with," I say.

"Why would she have to come with for you to come?" she asks confused.

"Because I wanted to stay home with her, but she didn't want me to stay home because she knew you would blame it on her," I say.

"At least her brain is working for once," she rolls her eyes.

"Meredith was right, you shouldn't be around the child," I scoff.

"What child?" she asks. that got her attention. I didn't even know what I was going to say until I had already said it.

"Nothing, it's not like you'll be a part of it anyways," I say going to leave the room.

"Derek, what child?!" she says grabbing my arm.

"You told her already?" Meredith asks as she comes into the kitchen.

"Told me what, Derek, what are you and Meredith talking about?!" she asks.

"Nothing, it's nothing, Ma," I tell her.

"I don't think we should tell them today, Mer," I say as I wrap my arm around Meredith's waist and lead her into the living room. it's just here and nobody else has arrive yet.

"Why not? it seems like she already knows. what did you say to her?" she says as we sit down on the couch next to each other.

"I might have mentioned that you were right about not having my mom being a part of our baby's life," I say.

"Derek!" she says hitting me on the arm.

"What? I was talking more to myself then I was to her, for a moment I forgot she could hear me," I say rubbing the spot where she hit me. she hits really hard for some reason.

"Now she's going to think it's my fault that she's not a part of the baby's life!" she whispers harshly as she hits my arm again.

"Ow, stop hitting me!" I say grabbing her hand and holding it so she can't hit me anymore.

"What baby are you two talking about?!" My mother says as she walks into the room.

I look at Meredith for help and she rolls her eyes.

"There is no baby, it's code for something else, there is no baby," Meredith says.

"Ugh," she rolls her eyes.

"And for once I thought I was going to like you," she says before leaving the room.

"Now how are we going to tell her? We have to tell her I'm pregnant and that I just lied to her?" Meredith says.

"No, Meredith, I'm going to tell her, I'll tell you that you had to lie in order to keep it a secret and a surprise," I smile gently holding her face in my hand.

"Not helpful, but I have to pee," she says standing up.

she leans down and kisses my cheek.

"If she comes back into the room and says something about me tell me when I come back," she whispers in my ear before she leaves the room.


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