chapter 9

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I'm in the shower, taking a shower, listening to Meredith throw up in the towel.

"Meredith are you sure you're okay? because you really don't like you're sound okay," I say.

"Yes, I'm fine-" she says before she gets cut off my throwing up again.

"Mer, you really need to take something for that, you've been sick all morning," I say.

"I feel fine- Okay I'm I don't feel fine but I'm going to be fine," she says.

"you're insane," I say. I finish up my shower. I get out of the shower and wrap a white towel around my waist.

"I'm not insane, I'm just sick... very, very sick," she says wiping her mouth with toilet papers. she throws it in the toilet and flushes it.

"well there's finally something we can agree on. so why don't you get up and go to bed before you throw up again," I tell her.

"where's the bucket? I need it just in case," she says as slowly stands up.

she holds the sink counter as she tries to stand up.

"Meredith do you need help? you don't look like you're able to walk," I tell her.

"I'm fine, Derek. I can walk just fine," she says as she walks over to the sink and starts brushing her teeth.

"Alright, if you need help, let me know," I say before going back into the bedroom and picking out some clothes.

I'm putting on my pants as I hear Meredith throwing up again.

"did you throw up in the sink?" I shout from my spot in the living room.

"No, in the toilet... mostly," she says.


"I'll clean it up," she says.

"that's not what I mean. you should really be in bed is what I mean," I say putting my shirt on.

"I have to finish this first, Derek, I don't want to throw up on the floor or even worse, the bed," she says.

"I'll go see if I can find the bucket, it can be your travel throw up bag," I say. I pass the bathroom as I walk out of the room and I see that she's now laying on the cold hard floor.

"did you pass out?" I ask. I get no answer.

"don't be dead please," I say before leaving the living room.

I walk around the apartment a bit looking for the bucket but I don't find it anywhere. I go and check in the extra bedroom that we have that we also use as a guestroom which I'm not sure why because I don't think anyone would ever need to stay here, But I think Meredith just wanted to make it into a guest bedroom for looks.

I look around the room a bit and see it in the corner of the room. I grab the bucket and bring it back into the bedroom.

"I found the bucket Mer," I say walking back into the bedroom before going into the bathroom.

I see that Meredith is still lying on the floor. I walk over to her and stand in front of her to see if she's fainted or if she just fell asleep. she looks to be asleep.

I gently pick her up and take her into the bedroom area and lay her down on the bed under the covers.

I move her arms next to her and gently pull her shirt over her head because I see that there's a little bit of vomit on the collar of her shirt.

I toss the shirt into the hamper before pressing the back of my hand to her forehead. she's very hot.

I pull the covers down a bit and feel her stomach to see if the rest of her body is also hot, her entire body is practically steaming.

I gently pull down her pants and toss those into the hamper as well. I pull the covers back on her body but leave them just at her waist.

I brush her hair back a little bit and take it out of the messy ponytail and put it into a neat bun. I go over to her vanity and grab a few hair clips from there.

I go back to Meredith and use the hairclips to pin back her curtain bangs so there not in her face when she wakes up.

I place the bucket on the floor right next to her spot on the bed before I go into the kitchen and grab some medicine from the medicine cabinet.

as I'm pouring a glass of orange juice for Meredith, I hear her throwing up again. I grab the medicine and juice and take it back into the bedroom.

"you're awake, I see," I say as I see her wiping her mouth with a tissue as she lays back in bed.

"my head is killing me and me stomach feels like it's on fire," she groans.

"that's because you have a fever and your stomach is empty. you should try to eat something," I place the things on the nightstand. I take the bucket into the bathroom and dump the remains into the toilet, flush it, and rinse the bucket in the shower.

I guess this is what love is. I for sure would never do any of this for anyone else, ever but Meredith deserves to have someone.

I take the now clean bucket back into the bedroom and place it back on the floor.

"I can't eat anything, Derek, please don't make me," she says.

"you have to, honey, I'll go get you something that should be easy on the stomach, okay?" I say. she turns to looks at me before she nods.

I kiss her forehead before I go to leave the room. she weakly grabs my hand and pulls me back. I turn to look at her.

"did you want something else?" I ask softly.

"No just- Thank you for doing all of this, I know it can't be easy, or in the slightest bit fun," she says.

"I do it because I love you, and just know I would never do this for anyone else, ever," I smile.

"I know," she nods.

she lets go of my hand and I go to make her something to eat.

Words: 1058


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