chapter 16

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it's a few hours later and I'm currently getting dressed. I'm standing in front of the mirror in nothing but a robe trying to decide which dress to wear.

"Derek! can you come in here for a second?" I shout for Derek.

"Is everything okay?" he asks as he comes into the bedroom.

"Which dress do I wear?" I ask him.

"What look are you going for, are you trying to look pregnant, are you trying to stand out or.....?"

"'I don't want your mom to even know I'm there' kind of look," I say.

"The black one," he says.

I put the red one back into the closet and grab some matching undergarments and get dressed.

I go to my vanity and curl my hair and tie to back into a mid-ponytail. I put on some light makeup and go back into the living room.

I walk over to Derek and see him trying to figure out his tie.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"Yeah, can you teach me?" he asks.

"Yeah," I chuckle.

I tie his tie and tell him how to do it as I do it.

"Does that make sense?" I ask him as I finish up his tie.

"Um, sure," he says soothing out his clothes.

"Alright, let's go if we're late your mother will kill me," I say grabbing my coat from the coat rack.

"Wait, hold on," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Let me look at your face," he says turning me around.

I turn around and look at him. he holds my face in his hands and looks at my face.

"Okay, you don't look too sick. if she asks just say your pale from the cold," he says.

"I thought we were telling them about the baby?" I ask as I put on my coat.

"I know, we are but if she asks before he tell her just say it's from the cold and then I'll tell them after or during dinner," he says.

"Okay, let's go now," I say.

we get ready and leave for his parents.

"Do you feel like you have to throw up?" he asks as we're driving to his parents. he's driving and I'm in the passenger seat.

"No, I feel fine right now, but I haven't eaten anything so I should be good, my stomach is empty, and I couldn't throw up even if I felt like I had to," I say.

"But you might have to throw after we eat," he says.

"Yeah, but we'll deal with that later," I say.

We arrive at the Derek's parents' house. I take a deep breath and get out of the car when Derek parks.

"Don't be scared," Derek says as he gets out of the car.

"Of what? her insults? she's hated me since we were kids," I say as we walk up to the front door.

"Knock on the door," I tell him.

"I thought you weren't scared?" he chuckles as he goes to knock on the door. but then he remembers it's his parents' house and just opens the door.

"Are you coming or what?" he asks as he stands inside the house as I continue to stand outside.

I roll my eyes. I knock on the door a few times before I walk inside.

"What the hell what that?" he laughs.

"I don't want her to think I just walked into her house without knocking," I say.

he laughs at me.

"it's not funny, she actually hates me," I say.

"No, she doesn't, she just has weird emotions," he says as he takes off my coat and hangs it up as well as his own.

"let's go find my mother," he says taking my hand.

I groan as he walks me into the kitchen.


Words: 638

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