Chapter 44 ~ Epilogue

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~one year later~

Noah is now eight years old and in second grade. I still can't believe he's eight years old. it's crazy to think eight yeas ago Derek and I were in college when I got pregnant with him.

Clara is four, as she got older her hair got longer, blonder, and curlier. the kids definitely got their curlers from Derek.

we also had another baby, Liam. he also has black hair and blue eyes.

it's been a year since Derek's father died and even though they were never really close it still has effected him a lot.

he's not really the same anymore. he's good at pretending when he's around the kids but once their in school it's different.

he's different at work which I get but he's also cold and distant.

we got home a little bit earlier than we usually do and the kids are still at school for another few hours.

"I'm going to go shower, you coming?" he asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec," I say. he nods and walks away.

we finish our shower. I'm now sitting on the bed in my bath robe.

"we should get the kids in two to three hours," he says with wearing only a towel around his waist.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"um, sure. what about?"

"You. ever since your dad died-"

"Meredith, there's nothing to talk about," he scoffs.

"Derek, there is. you can talk to me, you haven't cried since you found out. you cried once for a minute or two and that's it. we don't have to pick the kids for another few hours... and I don't mean tell me a little or just blow me off I mean actually tell me what's wrong," I tell him.


"Derek, talk just talk, what are you so scared of?"

"fine," he sighs sitting on the bed.


he finally told me everything all his emotions and feelings. He told me, and then cried himself to sleep.

Time jump.

Im at the park with all three of the kids today. Liam's asleep in the stroller while the older kids are playing at the playground.

I see Clara standing there. Noah comes up behind her and pushes her to the ground.

Clara's Face is in the rocks and she starts screaming and crying.

"Noah, come here!" I yell. He runs over.

"Stay here with your brother, I'll talk to you at home," I say sternly.

I walk over to Clara who is still
Laying in the rocks, sobbing.

I lift her into my arms and when I do I see the large cuts bleeding on her face.

"Shh, shh, we're going home," I Tell her.

I walk back over to Noah and Liam. Noah get in the car.

"We're going home?" He whines.

"Yes, it's your fault, you pushed your sister. Now get in the car," I tell him.

"You're not scary," he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Then I'll tell your father to punish you then," I tell him.

"No, not daddy!" He says.

"Then get in the car!" I raise my voice. He goes to the car.

I take Clara and Liam to the car and buckle them in.

I drove back home and when we arrive I see Derek's car in the front.

"Your fathers home, he can deal with you while I take care of your sisters cuts," I tell Noah.

Clara's still crying a bit when we get inside. I put Liam in his swing in the living room.

Noah tries to go to his room but Derek stops him.

"What happened to Clara?" Derek asks when she walks over to him.

"Noah happened," I tell him.

"Noah, come here, now!" He says.

"I'll take care of her. Deal with him please," I say. He nods.

I leave the room with Clara. I take her into the bathroom and place her on the sink counter.

I clean her cute and bandage them up. Once we're done I take Clara into her room and lay her in her bed.

I sit with her until she falls asleep. I turn the light off and leave the room.

I go back into the living room where Derek and Noah are.

Noah's Now sitting in the corner facing the wall.

"Everything okay in here?" I ask.

"Yes, hes in time out and he's grounded for two weeks," Derek says.

"That's good," I say sitting in his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"How'd Clara?" He asks placing his hand on my stomach.

"She's asleep now," I tell him.

"Hmm," he says kissing the side of my head.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"It was fine, just surgery and annoying interns, pretty boring day," he says.

"Because I'm maternity leave?" I giggle.

"Because You're on maternity leave," he says. He kisses me and we start making out.

The End

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