chapter 8.

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I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my mom and dad as we're talking about my career and when I tell them that I might change my mind and become a business man.

they don't seem happy about it, at all. we were in the midst of arguing when Meredith walks back into the living room.

"Oh, Dear God," my Mother says under her breath.

"is she the reason you're changing your mind about your career? she wants to be the surgeon in your relationship, she's going to tell everyone how amazing her career is, she saves babies for a living while you just hire people to work for you," she says.

"No, Ma, that's not why I don't even know if I'm going to change my mind, it's just a thought, I'll take a few business classes, if I like it I like it, if I don't I don't, I just told Meredith this today she didn't even know, I chose this myself," I say.

"I find that very hard to believe, you've changed ever since you started dating her, she changed you when you became friends with her but not you've changed even more... why haven't you grown out of this weird obsession with Meredith Grey, what is so special about this one girl?" she asks.

"I love you her, Ma. that's what's so special about her, I love her. and I'm not obsessed with her, I want to marry her one day, I'm supposed to want to be with her all the time, that's what people do when they care about each other," I say softly, not wanting to argue.

"Marry? you want a marriage with this... girl?" she asks with a grimace.

"Yes, I do. Ma, you can't keep hating Meredith it doesn't matter what you think of Meredith I'm in a relationship with her, you have to understand that, you can't change that, I can't change that I could break up with her but that would only make things worse, I would only be unhappy I'm happy with Meredith, just because me being happy might not make you happy doesn't mean I'm not happy... this is my relationship, not you it doesn't matter you are happy about it or not, it matters if I'm happy not you," I say.

"... fine, fine be with her, marry her, have kids with her, but don't come crying to me when she ruins your life and takes everything you have, including your kids," she says standing up and walking out of the apartment.

"is everything okay?" Meredith asks as she walks up behind me. I turn around to look at her.

"Yes, everything's perfectly fine, come sit next to me," I say wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into the seat next to me.

"Are you sure? she seemed pretty upset and I did hear my name a few times, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, it's a small apartment," she says.

"yes, your name was thrown around a few times, but I promise you it wasn't your fault," I told her, squeezing her hand gently.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yes, I'm sure," I smile. I lean in and kiss her cheek softly.

"he's right, dear, it wasn't your fault," my dad says. my fathers never had the same hatred for Meredith my mother had. he's always seen her as another daughter.


it's a few hours later and both my parents are now gone. I'm sat in bed, shirtless and pant-less. Meredith's in the shower.

"what did you do with my purple robe? I can't find it anywhere," Meredith says as she comes out of the bathroom wearing her black silk robe with her hair still damp wet.

"it's in the wash, Mer," I say as I turn the page in my book.

"why do robes need to be washed? I only put them on once I'm out of the shower and scrub my body to the core like four times, there's nothing dirty about me," she says tossing her shower bag on the bed.

"why do you even have a shower bag, we have a shower and I've never used your things before, other then that one time when I ran out of shampoo and I smelled like you for the next twenty four hours," I say.

"you like my scent, every time you walk past me you sniff me like a dog passing one of those water things," she says 

"did you use my hair brush?" she asks picking up the purple brush on the bed.

"No, it's all yours," I say, picking the hair brush and handing it to her.

"it has black hairs in it," she says looking at the brush, holding it close to her face.

"Meredith, you've sucked my dick until it was soft and swallowed... every time. Are you really worried about you and I using the same hair brush?" I ask. I look at her.

she rolls her eyes. she takes the brush and starts brushing her hair with it.

"and yes, I did use it," I say. I smirk at her. she glares back at me before rolling her eyes and sitting down at her vanity.

she finishes doing her hair before she changed into her pajamas, a pair of panties and her Dartmouth t-shirt.

she gets in bed next to me. I close my book and set it on the nightstand. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me.

"you know what happened with my mother wasn't your fault, right?" I say, running one hand up and down her bare thigh while running the other one up her shirt and resting my hand on her stomach.

"I know, but you're mother still hates me and she always is. how are we supposed to have a real relationship, get married and have kids if you're mother despises me?" she asks with tears in her eyes.

"Meredith," I say softly, tilting my head to the side a bit.

"it doesn't matter what she thinks," I say cupping her face in my hands. I kiss her lips softly.

"if we have kids she's going to hate them," she says. a tear falls down her cheek.

"Meredith, nobody is going to hate our children unless they're jealous of them," I say kissing her forehead.

"you better be right," she says. she sniffles and wipes her eyes with her sleeve.

"Of course I'm right. now... it's getting late and we should get some sleep," I say.

"Okay, fine. you're right, I'm just overreacting," she sighs as she lies down and gets under the covers.

"you're not overreacting. I don't think she'll hate our children, she'll like them, maybe not you but she'll like them," I say lying down with her. I turn to face her.

"if we ever have a son that looks like you, black hair, bright blue eyes... she'll toss you to the curb and take him in, we just have to make sure she doesn't kidnap him," she says cuddling into my chest. she wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest.

"yeah, I don't want to lose my son who looks exactly like me, I'll need him to do my dirty work," I smirk. she smiles and rolls her eyes.

"you're not aloud to do that with her son," she giggles.

"we'll see," I smile. I kiss her head and we fall asleep soon after.

Words: 1251


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