Chapter 33

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"Derek, I don't know if I can push anymore," Meredith says as she drops her head onto the pillow.

"I know, Mer, but you only have a few more to go," he said trying to be encouraging.

"No, no, I don't have it in me to do this," she said shaking her head.

"You only have a few more to go Meredith, you can do this," the OB said.

"Meredith you have to do this," Derek said.

"I'm never doing this again," she said as she sat up on her elbows.

"Push, Mer, push," he said as he held onto her hand.

She pushed as hard as she could with the little of energy she had before she fell back onto the bed again.

"That was good Meredith, just one more push," the OB said.

"Just one more, I've been doing that for the past hour, I'm done now. This was a stupid idea anyways," she cried.

"Meredith, this is the last one, once you've done it then you can stop and you won't have to do it anymore," he said moving the hair out of her face that was sticking from the sweat.

"Derek I don't want to." She pushed his hand away.

"Meredith, you have to, you have to do this, if not for me do it for the baby," he said.

She thought about it before she closed her eyes and sat up again.

It took everything in her body to push for the last time but she did it for the baby.

Her body dropped to the bed as they started hearing light cries coming from their new baby.

"Congratulations, it's a boy," Connie smiled.

They cleaned off the baby before the OB came to hand the baby to Meredith.

But Meredith was out.

"Meredith? What happened, is she okay?" Derek became frantic.

"She's fine, her body's been through a lot, she just passed out," Connie said.

She came around and handed the baby to Derek.

He gently bounced the baby in his arms to smooth his cries.

He looked over at Meredith and couldn't help but worry. He knew birth was going to be a lot for her but he didn't know she would pass out.

He knew she would wake up eventually but that didn't mean he wasn't scared.

"Um, Mr. Shepherd, we might have to take your fiancée up to the O.R," Connie said as she sat back down at the end of the bed.

"What? Why?" He asked as he continued bouncing the baby.

"There's some bleeding, a lot of bleeding," she said.

Derek looked from Connie down to the floor and that's when he noticed the puddle of blood on the floor.

"Why is she bleeding?!" He panicked.

"The stitches may not have been enough, we have to take her up or she'll bleed to death," she said standing up.

"Stay here with the baby, the nurses will help you if you need anything, Meredith needs surgery," she said.

And right before his eyes Meredith was being taken out of the room and taken up to surgery.

He still hasn't quite comprehend what just happened.

Meredith went into labor, they had a son, Meredith passed out, she started bleeding, and now she needed surgery or else she was going to bleed to death.

It all happened so quickly. Out of all the times that he had dreamt of Meredith giving birth this hadn't happened in any of them.

He thought by this time they would be deciding on a name but instead Meredith needed surgery.

He was now left alone with the baby, his baby.

Thankfully the baby was no longer crying. He was quiet.

His eyes slowly fluttered open before squinting at the brightness of the room before he opened them again.

Derek looked down at the baby and saw Meredith's eyes in him.

He couldn't help but smile, he had looked so much like Meredith.

Yes he has Derek's eyes but he was all Meredith.

He smile tearfully as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to the baby's forehead.

"Hi," he spoke softly and quietly.

"I'm your daddy... your mommy is supposed to be here but she needs some help right now," he managed to get out.

Suddenly he was emotional and he didn't know why. He wasn't sure if it was the baby being born or if it was Meredith or if it was both.

"But she's going to be okay and she's going to love you so much, we both are... you have no idea of the having life that we'll give you.. I love you so much," he said before laying the baby on his chest as tears fell from his eyes, as if he didn't want him to see him cry.

He pressed his cheek softly against the baby's face as the baby laid on Derek's strong chest.

Now they just had to wait for Meredith.

Words: 823

I still need to figure out a name and a middle name for him.

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