chapter 11

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Derek Shepherd.

Meredith is currently sleeping... on me. she refused being tired and going to sleep in our bed and wanted to watch tv with me instead.

and now she's asleep with her head in my lap. the movie ends and she's still asleep on my lap. I gram the remove and turn the tv off.

I carefully move her head off my lap and stand up. I gently pick up Meredith and carry her into the bedroom.

I lay her down in the bed and tuck her in. I go to leave the room. "Derek," I hear Meredith say.

"yes baby?" I ask turning around.

"bucket please," she says.

I go into the bathroom and get the bucket that's drying in the bathtub. I bring it into the bedroom and put it next to her spot in the bed.

"thank you," she mumble before she falls asleep again.

I walk over to her and kiss her head before leaving the room.


it's about an hour later and I'm cleaning some things up in the living room. I hear Meredith moving around in the bedroom.

I put the broom in the way and dump the trash into the garbage can. I go into the bedroom and see Meredith's no longer in bed.

I look in the bathroom and don't see her there either.

"Meredith?" I say.

"I'm in the shower," she says.

I don't hear the shower running. I walk over to her and see her in sitting in the tub, she's taking a bath.

"did you throw up again?" I ask. I walk over to her and get on my knees on the floor on next to her spot in the tub.

"I've thrown up like a thousand times today, It's killing me, I don't know what to do with this anymore," she sighs leaning back onto the tub.

"go to he hospital and see what's wrong with you, then maybe they'll give you some medication and then you'll feel better... or it could be something bigger and they could help you," I tell her.

"I don't want their help," she says.

"then what? you just want to be in pain and miserable forever?" I ask. I don't know why she's being so damn stubborn.

"yeah, maybe it'll just kill me and I'll live happily ever after," she giggles.

"in order to live happily ever after you have to live," I tell her. she shrugs.

"do you want me to get you some stronger medication if you don't want to go to the hospital?" I ask.

"medicine doesn't help," she says.

"maybe if I get you some stronger kind it will help," I say.

"sure, fine, if you want," she mumbles.

"No, not if I want, if you want, I don't want the medicine for myself and I don't want to buy it if you're not going to take it," I say.

"is there anything else that could be wrong with me? if I had the flu the flu medicine would have helped already and it hasn't, and it's not a cold either," she says.

and then it hits me.

"could you be pregnant?" I ask her.

"No that's impossible," she says leaning her head back on the cold bathtub.

"Mer, it's not impossible, we only used protection at the beginning of our relationship but we haven't since and it's not impossible," I tell her.

"I'm not pregnant, Derek," she tells me as she rolls her eyes.

"Meredith... there's a chance that you could be, none of the medication has been working and there's no reason for you to get sick from the cold, you wear a huge coat when you got outside, you wear boots, you wear gloves, you where earmuffs (foldable earmuffs) and you layer your clothing," I tell her.

"Derek, I'm not pregnant," she says again.

"just because you want a baby doesn't mean me being sick is pregnancy," she says.

"I'm not hoping for a pregnancy, Mer. all I'm saying is it's a possibility," I tell her. she rolls her eyes at me.

"do you want me to go get somethings to see if that's what it is?" I ask.

"do whatever you want," she mumbles.

"I'll get you some stronger medicine as well in case pregnancy isn't the case, Okay?" I say standing up.

"yeah, Okay... thanks," she says quietly.

"are you going to be okay alone for a bit while I'm out?" I ask. she nods.

I kiss her head before I grab my things and leave the apartment.

Words: 756


If she is prego boy or girl?

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