chapter 41

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"Derek, what is that?" Meredith asks.

"Stay here," I tell her. she nods as she stays in bed as I leave the bedroom.

I go into the living room and see Noah's nursery door is open.

I grab the umbrella from the front door before I go into his nursery.

"Ma! what the hell are you doing in here?!" I yell throwing the umbrella into the other room.

"I just came here to see... my grandson," she says.

"Do you even remember his name?"

"No, you told me like once, and Nancy mentioned that he was three months old when you two came to let me meet him. is that true?" she asks as she continues holding Noah as he's still sleeping.

"yes, we weren't ready for you to break into our house and try to kidnap our son so soon so we didn't tell you... and now I'm glad," I say.

"he's my grandson!"

"and he's my son! I get to say who meets my son and who doesn't, I'm his father... it's late and we're trying to go to bed, Noah included. give him to me," I say.

"I thought he was going to sleep?" she says.

"he is, but I don't know if I trust him sleeping in here so I'm going to take him into our room to sleep," I say taking him from her arms.

"you shouldn't spoil him," she says.

"He's four months old, he's going to be fine as long as he's not going to be kidnapped by his Grandmother," I say.

I take Noah into our bedroom and lay him in the middle of the bed.

"What's he doing in here?" Meredith asks tiredly. I think she was asleep.

"My mother was the one who made the noise and when I found her she was in the nursery and holding Noah surprisingly he was still asleep. he's sleeping in our bed tonight so he doesn't disappear in the middle of the night," I say.

"Did you lock the bedroom door?" she asks.

I get out of bed and lock the bedroom door and get back into bed.

"better, maybe we should get a restraining order," she says.

"Meredith," I say sternly. she turns the tv off and lays down facing me. Noah in between us.

"You're the man who just said our son has to sleep in our bed so your mother doesn't kidnap him and you just locked our bedroom door without hesitation," she says.

"she's my mother,"

"she's a narcissist," she says.



"Do you think it will go down with out second child?" she asks.

"second child?" I ask with a smile.

"you and I both know we have too much sex for us to stop at one," she says.

"that's true," I say.

"it might go down a bit, depends if it's a boy or a girl, if it's a boy it will go down two percent and if it's a girl it will go down ninety nine percent," I say.

"So we're hoping for a girl," she says.

"Because of my mother?"

"because we already have a boy and your mother's absence is a bonus," she says.

"go to sleep, we'll talk about having another baby in a few years, when our son isn't four months old," I say.

"Shes probably going to expect another boy in a few months," she says.

"She never did any of this when my sister had kids, including when they had boys," I say.

"Well her son having a son is probably a bigger deal to her than her daughter having a boy," she says.

"She didnt even visit them at the hospital, she just gave them a call," I say.

"It sucks being engaged to the favourite child," she roll her eyes.

"No it doesn't, Just the mother sucks," I say.

"Good night, Love you," she kisses me.

"Night, Love you," I say.

Words: 655


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