chapter 3.

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Meredith Grey.

I just back from shopping at the mall. I bought some more things for Derek, the last time I went I bought him a lot of clothes but this time I bought some things that he would want rather than need.

I also bought him another coat. I think it's good for him to have options to see which would match his outfit of that day best.

I also bought some things for Derek's parents even though they're not the biggest fan of me, they always thought I was a bad influence on Derek when we were growing up.

I bought some things for Derek's sisters as well, even Nancy who doesn't like me the most so I had Derek ask her what she wanted and I just bought that.

I also went to a few toy stores to find the doll that Amelia wanted and I eventually found it along with a few other things that she mentioned wanting, I also got her some clothes as well.

when I walk through the door walk over the counter and place all my bags on the island before removing my coat and boots at the front door.

I take off my gloves and toss them onto the counter as I walk towards the bedroom. I open the door and when I walk in I see Derek laying in bed, he looks to be asleep.

this idiot insisted on waking me up at seven in the morning so he could spend time with me and now he goes to sleep?

I guess I have been gone for a while, I think I was there for a little over three hours. I quietly walk over to him. I kiss his forehead to see if he'll make any movements but he stays asleep.

I kiss his cheek before standing straight again and go into my closet. I take the rest of the gifts that I bought Derek and grab some wrapping paper and tape and take those into the kitchen with me.

I'm only going to wrap Derek's presents while he's asleep and then I can wrap the rest of the gifts that aren't his when he's awake.

once I'm finished wrapping all of Derek gifts I stack them all together before I stand up from my seat at the table and go over to the fridge.

I was taping so many things my fingers started to cramp up. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and right as I'm opening it I hear the bedroom door open.

A very tired Derek walks into the kitchen and when he sees me a doesn't a reaction but instead squints his eyes at the bright light, the rest of the house is dark.

"When did you get back?" he asks me in a tried raspy voice, it's his morning voice. I find it very sexy.

"not long ago, maybe an hour ago. you were still asleep when I got back," I say as I take a sip from my water.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" he asks as he walks over to me to where he's standing right in front of me. he wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my chest.

"You looked tired and I didn't want to wake you," I say as I wrap his shoulder and place my hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep. it's just the house is very boring when you're not here, I never realized how much you really brighten the room until you leave," he mumbles into my chest.

"thank you," I smile kissing his head.

"What were you doing for an entire hour while I was asleep?" he asks.

"Well," I start as I run my fingers through his curls.

"I wrapped all of your Christmas gifts, I only wrapped yours since I can wrap the other ones when you're not asleep and when you go to bed I go to bed so I took advantage of the time you were taking a nap for," I say.

he lifts his head up from my chest and looks over at all the gifts on the kitchen table.

"Those are all mine?" he asks.

"Yes, those are all yours," I nod kissing the side of his head. he looks back at me in shock.

"Meredith, why did you get so many?" he asks.

"I told you I loved you a lot, I tell you I love you every day, I mean it you know," I say.

"I know you mean it, but I didn't think we were going that big for Christmas," he says a little disappointed.

"Derek, please don't be upset. I'm doing this so I can get something in return, I'm doing this because I love you... I don't want you to get me a thousand gifts for Christmas just because I got you a lot. I would be thrilled even if you only got me one thing, I don't need a lot for Christmas, I have you and that's all I need... please don't be mad," I say, giving him begging eyes in hope that will help.

"No, Meredith, I'm not mad. it's just..." he starts.

"it's just what? tell me," I say placing my hands on his arms.

"You know I don't have as much money as you do," he says. that's what this is about.

"Derek, I told you. I'm not with you because of money, I'm with you because I love you, my money is our money. if you need money just ask, I'm not going to hold it against you or throw it in your face in an argument," I say.

"I know it's just... I'm the man in the relationship, the man is supposed to provide," he says looking at the floor embarrassed.

"Derek, we can both provide, and I don't expect anyone to be rich in college. you'll make more money when you're older, when we're married one day, I'll be a surgeon and you'll be a businessman or a surgeon, both of those can make a lot of money. we'll have more than enough to provide for our children, you have nothing to worry about. I promise," I say sincerely.

"Yeah... Okay," he whispers as he rubs his foot over mine nervously.

"come here," I say with open arms.

he walks into my arms and hugs me as I wrap my arms around his neck. have a minute or so, we full away.

I place both my hands on his cheeks and stare into his eyes before I close the gap between us and press my lips against his, before the kiss gets heated up and we take it to the bedroom.

Words: 1128


A lot of ppl want Derek I go back to neuro, good idea or bad?

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