Chapter 6: Baseless rumours

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Becky's POV

Rumours after rumours, the issues were not only about my relationship, but apparently, it extends to the point where my personal life was being questioned, which affected my career.

I had no choice but to stay low and go on hiatus while Saint handled. Because of this, I lost my fans and my work colleagues as soon as they tried to cut ties with me as they believed everything the media conveyed.

Thankfully, Dav and Toey were not like that, as they offered themselves to help me as best as they can to get out of this misery. In the case of Toey, she made an effort to force me to get out of my house and let me breathe fresh air since I've spent my time at home alone for two weeks now.

"Becky, let's go to this new cafe near the town! I know you're going to love it! After that, we could watch a movie, given that the cafe is next to the cinema..." Toey suggested.

Feeling unsure about being in the public, I responded to her, "I don't know...Toey. I am not sure if I am ready to go out and have fun. Can't I just stay at home?"

"Come on Becky... Just one time...I promise you that you will not regret it! Pretty please..." She practically begged me to the ground.

Not knowing what to do anymore, I accepted her offer just to stop her from bringing herself to her knees.


After watching the movie

Right when the film was about to end, Toey's attention was now on her phone with her constantly texting someone rather excitingly. When I was about to ask her who is she texting with, her phone suddenly rang up, which caused her to excuse herself.

Ten minutes later, the film ended, and I went outside while waiting for Toey to finish her phone call. Then, a few minutes later, she went to my area, looking a bit complicated.

"What's wrong, Toey?" I was concerned.

Looking hesitated, she finally said something, "Actually, I have to pick up my BFF from the airport..."

Not knowing what she was about to say next, I immediately offered to go back to my house by taxi. However, she didn't even give it a second thought and shut down my suggestion.

"NO!! I won't let you go home alone when it's going to take a while to reach your home... Remember that we're nearly two hours away!" She exaggerates the distance between the cinema and my house.

"I'm going to be fine, Toey... I'm a big girl. I can handle myself," I reassured her to let me go.

"No, no, no! I was planning on bringing you together with me. So, you have to accept it, or I will not buy boba tea for you anymore!" She teased, but I knew she was not kidding. I knew if I said something back, the conversation will not going to end, so I agreed to follow her.


As we reached the airport, Toey told me to just wait in the car to avoid the public eye, especially during this controversial time. On the outside, people might see that the controversy didn't affect me. But internally, I'm a mess and to not make it obvious, I fully covered myself including my face with my hoodie just so no one would recognise me.

Not knowing that Toey and her bff already gotten into the car, I was still daydreaming with my thoughts. Because I was in front of the seat, I didn't take a glance at Toey's best friend as I don't want her to recognise me.

"By the way Becky, this is my best friend, Freen," She said excitingly, but then reassured me once I didn't say anything back, "She's literally living in a don't have to worry about her. She didn't care about all this celebrity stuff."

"And I need to go to the bathroom real quick! My stomach hurts!!" She rushed her way out of her car.

This leaves the car with only me and Freen. As I exhaled, I mustered myself to take off my hood before her friend decided to say something...

"Toey warned me to not disturb you because you had it rough these past few days...You know that you don't have to force yourself to do something you're not comfortable with right... I understand you..." She eased my worries.

Then, she continued, "if you must know, my mother had been there too when she went official with my father. Insecure, scared, restless because afraid that the media knows about getting married so suddenly because my mother was pregnant with me... but because their love was so pure and beautiful, they decided to tell the world the truth and despite some of the public discontentment about their relationship."

Hearing Freen's story from her past already made me gain some relief to get the courage to stay strong, even though I haven't seen her face yet. 

And she kept going, "Although there are still people who are not satisfied with our actions and blamed us for nothing basically... ignore them and always remind yourself that what they said isn't really about you. They are just jealous of your life and because of that, they wanted to put others down.

Out of curiosity, I asked how she felt being the focus of the news and she replied with the 'I don't care' attitude, "I decided to stay low and not take part in continuing my parent's legacy to become a celebrity as I find it quite toxic to see the world of entertainment could be so manipulating and invasive with our personal life to the point where it could actually end someone's life. I want nothing to be a part of it."

She's right about the entertainment industry being first, I only joined the entertainment industry because I wanted to make money and do something that I enjoyed the most, which was acting. But now because of the scrutiny from the public, I become their prey for them to say something nasty, which in my case, is my relationship with a woman.

As much as I wanted to hear more about Toey's friend, I decided to go to my company to sort out my problems...


While investigating who spread the rumours, it turns out it was from within the entertainment, specifically Orn's company. I'm planning to take legal action against her company, but I know that it's going to be useless as the public will still going to be stern about the concept that I was the bad guy the entire time.

It makes me mad now instead of sad because of this whole situation... I know it's my fault, but why make up some stories that weren't even true? Is this the company's way to give revenge for making them lose their artist?

I confronted the higher-up about the false information about me, but they sincerely didn't know about it. And well, I believed them because the CEO was Dav's parents themselves. Even so, there's something they're trying to hide from me like they're protecting somebody.

Author's note:

Who is that somebody?

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