Chapter 19: 'Temporary Avoidance'

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Becky's POV

After Freen dropped me off, my happy mood vanished within a day. The lingering question kept me up and because of that, I'm completely wide awake thinking about what went wrong with me and Freen. Is she angry because I quit from her company?

The night felt longer and I can't sleep. I was still not sure if I made the right decision to quit the job, but I have to do it to do what I love the most, which is acting. It would be such a relief if she could be happy too if I wasn't there anymore in her company.

Knowing how Freen has taken care of me this past month, I know she's happy for me but seeing her sad breaks my heart. It feels very heavy and my eyes unknowingly become teary.

I understand that I don't have any other choice but to resign from her company. I mean, I could've refused the latest added scenes that were offered to me and managed my time with two jobs. But, I didn't do it because I was afraid that I might not be given another chance to act as a lead. Even so, I am even more scared at how Freen affects my decision now.

Holding out my deep thoughts, I decided that I should just work as hard as I can until the end without regret. How I wish that Freen know I am grateful for her and how I wanted her to know that I want be happy.


The next day marked my last day working under Freen's company. Honestly, I thought I would've at least a bit of interaction with Freen and maybe spend more time together. But I guess she didn't feel the need to use up her time for me.

Throughout the entire week, she acted differently as if she was avoiding me. Although, I noticed someone still gave me a boba milk tea every lunch hour without a doubt. Why am I just aware of the fact that Freen was the one who ordered her other PA to buy it for me?

If I weren't being assertive with the other PA and constantly asked her the milk tea was from whom, I would've not known. She did it as if she doesn't want me to know and indeed, her action is so sweet.

And the fact that I was the only one receiving it causes my hands to start shaking and my heart to begin racing abnormally. But now, we get a bit tense and the only thing I want from her is to make amends with her before I leave the company. Because the last thing I want is to not have an ill relationship with her.


As I waited for the office hour to end, I scanned the office to ensure everyone has gone home and then I have a peek at Freen's room. I swear I was sweating, in hope that my conversation with her goes well and we ended on a good note.

Slowly, as I was about to knock on the door, the door opens automatically causing me to shout. "AHHH!!" I was terrified that the door opened itself but the terror heightens when Freen was also raising her voice and automatically grabbed both of my hands.

However, beyond one's control, Freen was so shocked that she tripped herself and because of that, she was now on top of my body.

"Dub Dub, Dub DUB, Dub, DUB..." My heart pounded very hard to the point where I could hear the palpitations myself.

This may be the first time seeing Freen up close, might I add the distance between us was about 5 cm? Lost in her sight, I take some time to appreciate her beauty while trying to regularly breathe.

Then, I remembered that I have to ask her question like, 'Are you okay?'. But I didn't have the time to think and just stare at her blankly.

Again, it's okay if I didn't say it because Freen already did it for me. "Are you okay, Bec?" She asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah..." I answered absent-mindedly. But all my thoughts soon remembered that I need to talk to her and she immediately brought me up to stand.

Tell me what's worse than having Freen push your body away from hers. I guess she's mad at me and I need to make it up to her.

Before she tried to leave the room, I intertwined her hands and instructed her to sit on the sofa with me. A part of me was scared to start the conversation, but it had to be done because I don't want to lose her.

"Freen...are you mad at me?" I begin my sentence.

Waiting for her answer, she gave in and said, "I'm not mad at you, Bec...I just...I am trying to let you go...but I don't want to..." At this moment, Freen was still holding my hand with assurance.

She continued, "Still...I made my decision to accept your resignation since this was what the best for your career,"

Never would've thought that she admitted she doesn't want me to go. This time, I told her my side story of my acting career and how I come about my unending controversies. Basically, I talked to her about everything, even with the story that nobody knows. Not even Saint and my parents knew about it.

"And from Orn's incident, my life has never been the same anymore. I was caught up in multiple baseless rumours and one of them was caused by my friend. I was in dilemma whether to quit for real as an actress because I couldn't handle the pressure from the public eye. The constant scrutiny from them makes me become a different person. I started to rely on myself way too much, making it even harder for me to act anymore. But when I came into your company, I begin to rely on others as well and that includes you." I confessed to her that I appreciated her kindness.

Immediately, she gave me a comforting hug to soothe away the intense feelings I am currently in because I was a bit heated telling my story.

Caressing my back with her hand, "You're going to be okay, Bec...even if you're no longer my employee, I wish you the best of luck in your career. Hopefully, you are away from all the negativity that happened to you. Just know that I am always one call away."


To come home without feeling regret, I am surely going to miss her. I like talking to her despite her being my superior, as I didnt feel like she was my boss. She's easy to talk to and so far Freen never did anything that burden me. In fact, she's helping me coping out with my work and that includes my mood swing at a time when it hits the hardest.

She made me forget about my problems once in a while and I hope that I can keep in contact with her even when I am not around her anymore.

"Everything's going to be alright, Bec..." I reassured myself even though I miss her already.

Author's notes:

Will these two meet again or meet again? 🤐

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