Chapter 33: The real evil

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⚠️Trigger warning for any violence⚠️

Davika's POV

Before we take off from my mom's residence, my mom instructed me to fill up the fuel for her car before she drive us to a Thanksgiving party. Because I don't want my mom to wait for a long time, I rushed my way to the garage and search for her favourite car. As I looked around, I saw a fresh car, which was the same design as before my mom bring it to the workshop because someone dented her car.

And because she didn't want to damage her car again, she decided to drive the car to her friend's house. In the car, however, all she talked about was ways to improve my acting and that I should be well-known and successful by now even though I just started my career this year.

Regardless, some people might think that my mom is insane. But the truth is, I can't go against my mom because she has done so much for me. And when things didn't go well with her plan, she started to compare herself with Becky, with her complimenting my friend instead of her own daughter.

Because of her constant comparison, I unconsciously went from loving my best friend to hating her as my mother nitpick every little small thing I accomplished into something unfortunate. 

Even at first, I realised that I was a little hard on Becky, but that was because I was having a hard time conveying my feelings for her. Especially when she was in a relationship with Orn, I didn't know how to make her see that I liked her and cared for her. 

And just when I thought that when Orn's gone, it's going to be better for us two, every controversy about Becky and Orn was then published. If only she knew that I was betrayed by my own mother when I said I trusted her and told her about Orn's relationship with Becky and that they were on vacation during the time of Orn's accidents, she wouldn't hate me this much. If only she knew that I wasn't the one that exposed the information to the public...and that it was actually my mom...

Even before my mom was planning on revealing all the fabricated rumours, I even warned her to not do it for the sake of my friendship with Becky. However, my mom didn't listen to what I said and proceeded to release the hot news. 

She was also unfazed after hearing about the death of her favourite artist like it was a normal death to her, making me think if she really sees them as property only and not her family. Now that I think about it, the timing of Orn's death is even more cynical, especially when the news blew up right after the release of Becky and Orn's series. 

Asking why she had the nerve to do this to her own artist, to ruin her artist's reputation, she said, "I am just being a good mother to you and want to see you becoming the top artist in this country." 

To hear that coming from my mom, I suddenly had a goosebump, as she was not only expecting too much from me but also had done something bad to make me successful. She didn't care if I beat my only best friend just for me to get to the top.

In fact, I have to lie to Becky that I am the culprit for revealing such rumours even though it was all my mom's wrongdoing in order to change the public's mindset about Becky negatively. 

I still remembered what she did to me in the past when...

Flashback to the past

When I was a kid, I was always controlled by my mom, from the way I walked, to what kinds of food I ate just so I become the perfect daughter to my perfect mother. I don't know if that's because she was a single mother or what, but she always avoid expressing herself to me whenever I did something good. 

Even when I finally achieved being in the top 1% student in this country, she downplayed my best accomplishment, making me feel like I was not enough. She neglected me until I grew up independently with the help of money that she gave me cause that's the only thing she can give to me.

There was even a point where she scolded me and corrected me very hard to the point where I cried without a rest. She went on tormenting me and slapped me harder so I could change myself. Feeling unfair, I finally shouted at my mom, "Why are you doing this to me, mom???" My voice was shaky with discontinued hiccups from crying every minute.

"Because you're still not perfect, far from perfect...just be grateful that I took you to this world!" She smacked me to the ground, causing me to faint. 

After that, I was unconscious until I realised that I woke myself up without any medical treatment from my mom. I still appeared the same way my mom left me before I fainted. When I walked into the mirror limping, I was shocked to see my face covered with bruises and blood.

Back to the future

Because of what she did, I am scared of how I turned out to be as I slowly become like her. But one thing I know is that if I don't succeed like her, I don't doubt that she's going to kill me without thinking twice. That's how unbothered she was with her daughter's life.

If I could come strong, I was thinking how am I supposed to face her in the future. If I promise myself to be the best and prove to her that I could actually be at the top without her help, I would've defeated her already.

But that wasn't the case here, as she always discredit me and constantly mentioned that without her help and fame, I wouldn't be who I am now. I couldn't say anything to that because that's actually true. 

I was so unhappy whenever I spend time with my mother. It's always career talk as if I was meeting with my career counsellor. But after I finally had 4 years of freedom to go abroad and continue my study, everything changed in my life when Becky introduced me that I was capable of being loved even though she only loves me as her best friend. 

I accepted that Becky didn't see me as someone she loves, but not until I knew about her relationship with Orn. I felt jealous to see her happy with someone. Yet, I still haven't had the nerve to ruin my only best friend's reputation just because of jealousy. Because of that, I tried to at least do the damage control to some of the allegations associated with Becky.

Without my mom's knowledge, I found my own connection in the industry and tried to repair everything, but everything was calculated and complicated to fix. She just has a lot of networking from within the industry and the authority, including the police. 

Just what in the world is my mom thinking not caring about her former artist as if she didn't do anything to her company?

Author's note:

Is Dav a good friend to Becky?

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