Chapter 34: MAYA Award

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Becky's POV

After the party, I was grateful that Freen is always by my side despite being watched by Dav and several other homophobic who couldn't stand to watch me holding hands with my girl.

At some point, there was also a moment where Freen let go of my hand just so the attention was not fully at us, but at the party, which was understandable. Sometimes, it's hard to see her behave this way and it does hurt a bit at the fact that she didn't want people to know about us. 

Although the situation doesn't favour us to expose our relationship in a friendly manner, I couldn't help but get these mixed signals from Freen. It's like she's unsure herself about something. 

At times, she was okay telling her parents about our status and invited me to one of her family events, even though at first, she was a bit hesitant to do it. 

Now that I think about it, I remembered when we first met that she mentioned how she didn't like being the centre of attention and don't want to associate herself with the entertainment industry. 

If I understand correctly, it makes more sense when she almost didn't accept me at her company when she spoke indifferently about the fact that I am an actress. I think soon or later, I might need to have a long conversation with her or it's going to be a problem for us in the future. 

Especially from today's party, it became more apparent as it feels like Freen wasn't ready to go public with me. She was always there to accompany me all the time, but if someone views the way she acts towards me, it felt more like how a friend treated her friend. 

I know she loves me, that's for sure...but it hits differently when I am unsure if she loves me enough to take the risk of being exposed about our relationship in public. Or maybe I just overthink all of this and overemphasise every action that Freen did to me. 

Plus, I might need to reflect on myself too, since my first relationship was a failure. Even worse, it was revealed everywhere and everyone knows about my relationship and blames me for the death of my ex-girlfriend. 

My first didn't end well and if somehow my current relationship was uncovered to the public, I just can't imagine how people will destroy me and Freen. I can't let it happen...I don't want to lose Freen.


The following week, Freen and I went back to our normal selves because it was just the two of us alone. I was just thinking how fun it would be if we didn't have to care about everyone surrounding us and just us living in the moment and being happy. 

Maybe, I shouldn't worry too much about it since I was treated well by my girl. Soon after we ended the party, she brought me to a private restaurant to make up for her mistake of not being fully there with me.

"I just wasn't used to being looked at by a lot of people and honestly, I was scared to the point where I had a brief panic attack..." She revealed about her episode. 

Suddenly, my demeanour changed and immediately I let out a tear, not knowing that she was serious about her anxiety in front of the public. "Is that why you suddenly went to the bathroom?" I realised when she let go of my hands back during the party. 

She nodded to my answer and I didn't know how to act at this moment. How come I didn't realise her attack? How could I?

Straight away, I hugged her and reassured her, "Rely on me, Freen...I am always here for you..."

Facing her face, I cupped my hands on her chin just so she could look me in the eye. "Promise to me more secrets between us," 

"I promise...I am sorry for disappointing you, Bec..." Soon enough she cried on my shoulder, making it hard for me to continue talking. I could only hug her and soothe her that it was going to be okay from now on.

Later on, I become more understanding of Freen's situation and I realised that it's best to let time tells how our relationship going to revolve from here. 


4 months after the release of my recent series, I was invited to the MAYA TV Award where the ceremony recognises any outstanding performances, and shows in various categories such as series and reality TV shows. 

Attending the show, there were a lot of famous and A-list actors being nominated and thankfully, I was nominated in the best rising actress category. Mentioning the A-list stars, that includes Freen's mom too and because of that, Freen also attended the ceremony to support her mom, even though she requested her mom not to let her walk on the red carpet. 

As for my supporter, I only have Saint with me because he is my manager and the only one who is responsible for my work schedule. As much as I wanted to ask Freen to come with me to be my plus one, I know that she's going to have a hard time deciding whether to attend or not because that means she will be exposed to the media. 

Ever since she revealed her panic episode, it was clear that she wasn't ready to be in the public eye and I respected her decision. I don't want her to be inconvenient just to make me convenient. That's not how a relationship works.

However, despite being separated by hundreds of chairs, Freen never failed to keep me accompany virtually by texting me all the time throughout the show just so I don't feel lonely. And when there was a break time, she was eager to ask me to go to the restroom as an excuse to meet her. 

But soon enough is the most nervous, yet anticipated moment I've encountered throughout my entire career, the moment when the mc will announce the best rising actress of the year. "And the winner for the best rising actress is.....Rebecca Patricia Armstrong from Gap The Series!" The mc shouted with cheerfulness. 

I was overjoyed with happiness because I can't believe that there were people who voted for me and loved me for who I am. After I gave a short yet grateful speech to everyone in the room, my eyes automatically searched for Freen, and there she was giving a standing ovation before anyone else did. A smile that could make me happy even without the award.

Later on, the award ceremony finally concluded and as soon as everyone dismissed themselves, I tried to find Freen in her seat. However, before I even see Freen, I was stopped by someone who I'd been dreading to see.

"What do you want?" I questioned Dav boringly as I have nothing else to talk about. 

Before she said something, I let her know that I want nothing from her anymore. I grew tired of her acts. Except for this time, she didn't try to start a fight with me because of the award that I won just now, which I assumed that's the reason why she stopped me.

Looking around, Dav grabbed my hand and bring me to a secluded area, more specifically, the backstage. Again, I asked her in confusion, "What are you doing?! Are you going to be mad at me that I won?"

"Becky...I am not mad about not getting the award...I was just mad at myself for not doing my best..." She contemplates her life. Instinctively, as a friend, I soothed her and give her a hug to which later she cried. 

Then, at the wrong time, Freen came across me hugging my friend closely and I instantly mouthed her to meet me in the car. Right away, I removed myself from Dav and just was about to go to Freen before Dav halted me from going. "I have something important to tell you..."

But I continued to walk away before she said my ex's name, "It's about Orn..."

Freen's POV

I don't think Bec is going to come anytime soon. "I've waited for three fucking hours!" I was mad that she forgot about me. "That girl better be just her friend...or else I will-" Before I even finished my words, my angriness just triggered another episode, causing me to suffer alone. 

Why did you choose her over me, Bec...

Author's note:
Coming next, it's not going to hurt that much...maybe a little...idk😢

I'll let you be the judge...

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