Chapter 29: My Freen

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Freen's POV

Thank god I still have some insanity left for me not to stay at Bec's house or else I would've given her more than a kiss. I hope that Bec doesn't think that I don't want to sleep over at her place.

To be honest, I still have something to do before I go further with Bec and for that, I need to get approval from my parents to date Bec, especially my dad.

It feels like I already defeated myself even before I meet them. When everyone knows me as an independent and powerful woman, but in reality, I wasn't strong as people view me.

These little thoughts, somehow make me more scared than what I actually feel at the moment. However, strangely nowadays, there's a part of me wanting to be strong for myself and Bec just because I want to be happy with her.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to disobey my parents like they are nothing. I don't want to ruin my bonds with my parents, not after my separation from them after years and years. So, gathering my courage, I decided to meet with them tommorow morning before I go to my work.


The next day

Today is the day I've been dreading as I will be confronting my dad about Bec and me. Acting like I am not myself in the morning, I lose the strength to leave the house as I was nervous to go to my parent's house, which was a walking distance.

To my least expectation, I don't even have to make an effort to go to their house as my parents were already waiting for me in my living room as I speak. Slowly, I walked in front of them and sat, facing their face.

"Morning dear...what a surprise that you want to meet us early in the morning! Do you miss us too much?" My mom was so eager to know what I was planning for the day.

On the other hand, my dad was being indifferent after our fights even though I knew he feels the same way as my mom. He might not appear to be caring, but I know deep inside he was trying to protect me. However, I want him to understand that it's time for me to figure out my life alone without the intervention from him.

As a starter, I carefully brought up my girl and that I was in a relationship now with that girl. Just like that, my mom begins to become curious and asked about who's the mystery girl.

But little did she know, she already met her and when she did know about my girl, she was so happy that it was her that I'm in a relationship with. As for my dad, well, he looked normal but that ended when I introduced more about the fact that Bec was an actress.

"Freen...I-" He didn't know where to start but eventually, he looked up to mom for a very long time and come to an agreement in silence.

"Alright, can date her...but please be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt. And about my rule not revealing your relationship, I take back my words...Do whatever makes you happy. But, remember Freen, prevent from creating a problem, okay? I don't want our family to be in a bad spotlight again." My dad advised me.

He then added with the strict dad stare, "But most importantly, bring her to us since I wanted to know about your girlfriend and ask her in person if she really loves you,"

Feeling grateful, I run to my dad and give him my ultimate hug to him. "I promise you to bring Bec with me," I was ecstatic.


On the same day, I immediately call with Bec and tell her that I will have a sleepover at her place tonight.

From the call, I sensed that Bec was surprised by my sudden request while also being very eager to have me by her side. "Really!!!! Let me know when you're on your way, okay? And BB, drive safe!" Bec exclaimed.

With the moral support I get from Bec, I become more eager to finish my work early. But what I didn't realise was that on my schedule, I was supposed to meet an important client today. I guess I'll have to settle this first and drive to Bec's house.

When two hours passed, the meeting was still ongoing and the woman in front of me was being difficult for not only intentionally behaving that she didn't agree with all my ideas, but also a little inappropriate as she was spending her time smirking and flirtatiously smiling at me.

Plus, it was almost lunch and I was very hungry, making me more annoyed.

Just then, my phone was ringing and when I looked at the caller id, it was Bec. Ignoring the client since there was no progress from the meeting, I answered Bec and talk in a lower voice, "Yes BB?" I asked Bec.

"Do you want anything for lunch? I'm actually near your office right now..." She was being a helpful girlfriend.

"Ah...Bec, actually-" As I was about to say something, my client made her way too close to me to the point where I have to respectfully push her away.

"Freen..." The client breathes out her disgusting air to call my name.

"What're you doing ma'am?" I am still being respectful to my business client.

However, soon enough, my focus returned to Bec since she was still in the line and listening to everything. Because of that unnecessary voice from my client, she questioned who I am with. "Who is that?" Bec was practically a little mad at the sound she heard from the phone.

Walking out of my office, I reported to her everything about this weird client and then she ended the call with, "You stay there, okay?"

And just like that, there she was walking towards my office, looking like a mad person. Instantly, instead of searching for me, she was standing in front of my client.

"While I'm still being nice, just do your business and stop playing with my wife!" Bec was mad mad and I'm scared for my life.

When the client heard that from Bec, she tried to question Bec even more, making me scared of this peasant's life. "I know she's not yet married, okay..." As if she was proud to tell Bec about this information.

"Oh, she will soon be my wife and I don't have to tell you that. And for the record, I am a black belt in taekwondo and had a history of winning a national boxing competition. So...if you still want to keep your not-so-pretty face intact, I suggest you walk away from the door and never see my girl ever again!" Bec was being territorial.

From that moment, my client run for her life as she was scared by Bec's threat. And that includes me as well since this was my first time seeing my girl this mad before and honestly, I'm in love with her even more.

And now that her focus was on me, I was feeling nervous. Slowly, she walked towards me, where I waited for her to scold me. But then, I didn't expect what she was doing next when her left hand grabbed my waist and the other hand sensually stroked my neck to give in for a long, hard kiss, where she claimed me for good.

With what just happened, I'm too deep in my mind to even think because I swear I feel very turned on right now. But that wasn't the end before I get even more goosebumps when she opened her mouth and whispered in my ear, "You're mine only, my Freen~"

"See you later, BB!" She left my office like a person who isn't guilty of threatening my client and acting innocent.

In my case, my face was flushed, and my breath came out high as I recalled back my lips being satisfied by my girl. At this point, I'm so down for tonight...she can just take my body and do me. Closing my eyes, I waited for a while before I continue with the work I left with.

But that didn't work as I can't concentrate on my work. Instead, my mind was filled with her only-her lips, her body, her everything

Author's notes:
I cannot wait to see how Freen's dad will react when seeing Bec for the first time & cannot wait to see how their first sleepover goes👀

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