Chapter 30: Shiver

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🔞Warning for yk🔞

Freen's POV

Rushing my way to Bec's house as I was still reminded of what happened during lunchtime, I texted her to be at her home when I arrived as I can't fight this feeling anymore. At this point, I didn't even bother to see what her response was because all I think about was her. 

As soon as I thought that she will be there, greeting me at her front door, I didn't see her car nearby. And now that she wasn't here, I took it personally and call her right away, as I was not only missing her but also sexually frustrated. 

Minutes after minutes, I started to feel anxious because I was trying to resist calling her again for the second time. Just when I thought I am ready to face her, she was then busy buying groceries at this crucial time. Talking about killing my mood...

"Why she kissed me passionately and not thought of making out after?" I am for real about to lose it. 

Despite my desperation for some love, somehow, I still wait for her patiently like a lost kid, standing around the grass and kicking them for no reason. 

Ten minutes later, I heard an engine car accelerating, indicating that my girl was here. And now look at me, waiting for her like a puppy asking her owner for some snacks. But, here, I am asking my owner to feed me parts of her body instead. 

Shaking off my fantasy and returning back to reality, I helped Bec to carry the groceries she bought earlier to the kitchen.

"Freen, I didn't expect you to be this early...I am supposed to be cooking you something before you came." Bec was sad that she didn't have the chance to cook on time. 

Just as I put down all the groceries, I claimed her right away, "The only food I want right now is you...I swear... if you start talking about food or wanting to cook, I swear to the devil that you will go to hell and be a demon while I sell my soul to you and let you eat me alive so I could seal the deal with you..." I was practically talking nonsense as if someone possessed me to say that. 

Afraid of the way I act, Bec's hand was now checking the temperature of my forehead, which I believed that she thinks I am sick. However, I don't even care about how I acted right now because I knew she understood my unnatural behaviour as she smiled devilishly. 

"'ve got to be clear and tell me the details of what you wanted...let's begin, shall we?" She was now unravelling her knitted cardigan that she borrowed from me way before.

At that moment, she interlocked my hand into hers and bring me to her bedroom. As we were walking to her room, I can't help but notice that underneath her white camisole, she was not wearing anything. Trying hard not to be a pervert, I forcibly closed both of my eyes, but then what Bec said made every hair that was on my body shoot upward like I was being shot by a stun gun. 

"Don't close your eyes~ they are there for you to see, you know...and it's exclusively yours," Bec eyeing her eyes downward, pointing to her breasts. 

I don't know why but maybe because her camisole was almost translucent, I can actually see the nipples of her breasts poking into the undershirt.

"Oh dear god! please don't let me die tonight..." I am mentally prepared for what I'm about to do or experience. 

"Kiss me, Freen," She speaks quietly as she leaned over a little closer to my space. Automatically, my lips find their way against her luscious lips once my mouth opened and licked her lips with my wet tongue.  

I moaned as she begin to suck my lower lip while gradually pulling my body tightly against her body. Our bodies were so close to the point where I could actually feel the heat radiating from her skin. I haven't even touched her skin yet, but I already feel very hot. I guess she could be a hell committee after all.

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