Chapter 7: Mother

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Freen's POV

In the past

My mother was the most loved actress in Thailand and is still relevant these days. Of course, when it comes to fame, it means you were constantly being watched and admired everywhere. As for my mom, she was everyone's eye candy and role model because of her successful work in the film industry, making her one of the top A-list actresses in my country.

Except that when everyone discovered the revelation of my mother's pregnancy when she carried me, the majority of the so-called fans were judging that my mom bears a child out of wedlock. However, my mom just ignored the public since she wanted to keep on pursuing her career even though the public urged my parents to get married at that time.

After two years, they then finally decided to get married because they were both ready and publically announced that they had a girl. She said they were cautious about going public because my father is not a celebrity and is unaccustomed to opening up about themselves. Because of that, the media has been dying to know who's the lucky guy and that leads to the identity of my father being revealed.

When someone exposed my father's identity without permission, the media overemphasize the fact that my father is one of the wealthiest businessmen, and straight away everyone turned back on the fact that my mother loves my father.

Instead, they make a couple of false allegations that he was originally a sugar daddy to my mom but turned out wrong when she was suddenly pregnant with me. This resulted in the downhill of my mom's fame, causing her to suffer a lot from the media to the point where her mental health was affected.

Thankfully, my father was aware of my mother's feelings and take action with the media to clear up everything. With his money and power, he successfully sued everyone who tried to cause defamation against my mom and well...because of that, we become richer, no thanks to the haters.


During my teenage time

Slowly, my mom recovered and go on a hiatus even though everything has been settled down. Despite her being a workaholic, this was the first time she rested and she spent her time with me and my dad. Back then I didn't know what my parents have gone through but when I was in my teen, then it hit me when people begin to gossip about my parent's history... even to the point of calling my mom a whore.

Because of that, I punched that bitch who tried to downgrade my mom cause what the heck.... my mom is an angel and she doesn't deserve this ill treatment...

"Freen, why did you hit your friend? I won't tolerate you for this bad behaviour...there must be a reason why you do this in the first place? Tell me, what's the matter?" My mother worried about my misconduct.

"Nothing's wrong...and she's not my friend," Afraid that she knew about the slander...I stopped talking.

When I didn't say anything, my mom realised that I did it for a reason, "Tell me, dear...I promised to not get mad at you..."

Then, I confessed to my mom about it, but she didn't seem affected by it and said, "Oh dear, I'm used to it. You don't have to feel bad, I've gone through so much worse..."

"But I'm hurt too...hearing my mom getting called that way..." I begin to sob.

"Oh dear....that's the cons of being a need to become strong mentally," My mom stated.

Not understanding what my mom is saying, I asked her, "then why do you still continue to act if, at the end of the day, you will be bound to get this mistreatment..."

"For me, it's been an escape for as long as I can remember. Like reading a book takes you to another world, acting does the same for me. Because mom can become someone I'm not. When I act, I can be someone who is perfect or is terribly broken or just grey, and in-between. That way, mom could actually relate to everyone who's living in any kind of hardship or blessing. Acting has saved mom's life more times than I can count and gave me something to live for till I could find something else. Sure, a bonus is that I get paid, depending on what I'm doing but I would act regardless. Acting has always been a huge part of my life and quite honestly I don't think I could live without it." My mom told me the reason.

"And you're okay with this...?" My teenager speaking.

"At first, I was not used to it, but because of your father who constantly helped me and also my source of happiness, you... I became who I am today... I became more well-known...but one thing I am concerned with was your reaction today... I am afraid that I couldn't guarantee your happiness when you are older because the media can be very toxic..." She was afraid that I couldn't handle the media.

"I am fine as long as the media doesn't know about my real identity...Plus it's not like I am going to pursue the same career as you, mom..." My little me tried to shrug it off swiftly, knowing that my parents will support me no matter what career I pursue.


In the present

Since I didn't take the same route as my mom, I followed in my father's footsteps and become a businesswoman. Because of that, I have to move to Bangkok and take charge of my father's company while he's retired. I am fine with it I guess...since I like being in control of everything and that includes being a boss.

Because it was my first day working at the central branch of my father's company, I have no connection there except my best friend, Toey. So, I texted her to pick me up from the airport and bring me to my house.

Me🐰: Eyy, pick me up please from the airport🙈

Toey boyaa👻: Sure, I will be there...but just a heads up, I will bring someone with me😌

Me🐰: WHO? Do you have a boyfriend already???

Toey boyaa👻: As much as I want to say yes, the answer is no ☠️ I am bringing my actress friend from my recent series that I talked to you about.

Me🐰: Oh...does she has to follow you? Can't you like send her home first?

(I lowkey disagree because I'm awkward when meeting with strangers)

Toey boyaa👻: And why should I waste my gas and follow your request, little brat? Are you shy, now?

Toey boyaa👻: Come on... you don't have to worry about her. She's a good girl. Plus, she had it rough nowadays because of her recent controversy

Getting impatient, I called Toey to beg her one more time, but then she told me everything about her friend's issue and I suddenly become weak. So I obeyed.

An hour later, I only saw Toey walking towards me, "Where is she?"

"Oh...I let her stay in the car so the public won't recognise her..." Toey alerted me.

Nervous to see Toey's friend, I become shy and when Toey left me alone in the car with her, I tried to break the ice. I could tell that she was scared of her surrounding, especially when I couldn't even see her face or her expression. So, I shared a bit of my story about my mother.

"I hope you have the strength to start over again..." I ended my conversation when I saw Toey coming our way.

Author's notes:

A little backstory about Freen and her parents.

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