Chapter 21: I am the main character

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Becky's POV

As soon as I went off the phone, I giggled because I was feeling over the moon. Now, I am in the mood for some acting. "Let's go!" I motivated myself with happiness.

Not long after, there's a commotion outside the set of my filming. So, the director stopped us from shooting and find out where the noise came from. "What's going on there?" The director was curious.

Following together with the director, we went outside and saw every food truck that you can think of lined up, waiting to serve their customers. "Don't tell me that this was all from Freen?!" I was surprised.

I was overjoyed that I texted Freen immediately before I even try the food and the drinks. Busy chatting with Freen, I was now the centre of attraction. Before something cross my mind, the director approached me to thank me for the food support. Soon, the other staff and the actors also came after to say that they were grateful for the food. 

Some people even wanted to take a picture with me to help appreciate the support that I get from that certain someone. While I was here, I could safely say that I become the owner of a non-existing restaurant because of the number of thanks I received for the food. 

On the contrary, there's one person who was dissatisfied with the love that I received from the cast and the staff. Davika was jealous over the food support to the point where she accused me that I paid someone to do this for me.

Not enough with the insult, she added more, "I'm supposed to be the main one here, not you..."

Oh god! If only I could kill someone today, it'll be her. Since I first knew her, I didn't know that she could be so disdainful. 

I don't really know what I see in her when I first met her for real... God, I am just thankful that I get to see the real her and that I am not friends with her anymore. "What's wrong with her??" I was suppressing my anger in front of everyone. 

Spending my time carefully as to why she behaves like this all of sudden makes me worried about what is actually going through her mind. "Is it because I overshadow her?" I tried to be understandable. 

Yet, I couldn't figure out the reason and girl, after tons of hardship that she let me go through, now she had the nerve to sulk at me over FOOD! You've got to be kidding me...

"Ughhh! So frustrating!" I was having a bad mood. 

But then, someone texted and my mood suddenly became excited. "Oh god! It's Freen!" I simmered down. 

On the other side, she wanted to know if I enjoyed my food and how she mentioned proudly that she ordered the best catering by herself without the assistance of her PA. 

Couldn't lie to Freen that I enjoyed the food, I admitted to her right away, "Hmm...sadly, I was not in the mood to eat right now..." 

"What's wrong? Is it not up to your you want me to change it?" She became very concerned about my uninterest in the food. 

Of course, I have to reassure her that the food was not the issue and said, "The food was fine... it's just that Davika was upset at the fact that my food support takes her light, causing her to get mad over me..."

"That bitch! Hasn't she done enough!! Tell me, Bec... what do you want me to do? I will grant it to you... do you want me to punch her?" Freen was impatient to act on Dav. 

"Don't please...I don't want to create any more drama with her...please...I had enough..." I begged at Freen.

Instantly, she realised my feeling and become soft with me, ignoring Dav's issue and focusing only on me. "Hmmm, so how do I make you want to eat?? You need to eat...It's going to be tiring for you later..." She convinced me to at least eat some of the food. 

It was hard to stop my heart from acting weird when she did this and a lot happened during the time she called me, but nevertheless, she made me feel full just by hearing her voice and concern for me. Even so, I don't want her to worry about me too much, so I comforted her over the phone, "I promise I will eat later, alright? So, don't worry about me..." 

Feeling satisfied with my answer, she voiced, "Alright, promise me to take a picture of you eating okay...or I will be mad..."

"Okay...thanks again, Freen for the food. I really appreciate it so much." I commented sincerely. 

"No worries...anything for my baby—I mean for you, Bec...bye!" Freen quickly ended the call before I even talk back. 

"Bye..." I was now talking to an empty phone line. And here comes the comeback of my rapid heartbeat...


Later on, around 6 pm, someone sends me boba milk tea to me with my fav toppings and all. Saint delivered them to me. But, I, on the other hand, was bewildered by the sudden gift. So, I asked him, "Did you buy this for me?"

"Ohh no, no, no. Freen called me asking to buy you a drink to uplift your mood. I don't know why but she's weird for making me be the delivery guy and paying me 5000 baht just to buy the drink this instant...I guess she is really rich..." Saint lowkey was impressed with Freen's wealth based on today's pay that was given by her to him. 

I don't want to show my wide smile, so I just act like it's not a big deal. "Ohh she's so sweet...I was thinking of buying the drink but she beat me first. She didnt even tell me she was going to buy me one..." I acted horribly to Saint, but I don't really care cause I'm on cloud nine today. 

She's very considerate of me and I couldn't thank her enough. Maybe, since I'm going to meet her later, I should do or give her something to make sure that she knows I appreciated her action. 

What should I do to repay her kindness?

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