Chapter 41: Breaking news

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Freen's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw when Bec walked away from me and it broke my heart to see her leave again. As much frustration as I was feeling at that moment, I wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake and let her go. The maddening noise in my head trying to fight the urge to stop Bec and they were not letting me down as I called her out.

With so many questions in my head as to why she wanted to leave me and even questioned if she still loved me, that's when Bec halted her exit to the room. I took that it was my queue to prevent her from going and when I approached her more, I heard her crying too.

When she turned her back, that's when I saw her red eyes due to resisting herself from crying too hard. She made it hard for me not to love her more as soon as she realised that I cried too, but instead of wiping her own tears, she wiped mine first, making me realise that she still cared for me.

I hugged her and she let me, which was a relief because I couldn't bear to feel a rejection coming from my girl. After a while, she guided me back to my bed and stayed on my side since I begged her to. Still, she didn't say any words as if she didn't know what to do with me. So, to lessen the tension, I even intertwined with her hand and went as far as kissing her hand for the first time after our separation.

And that made her talk as her attention was now fully to me. Suddenly, my desire heightened when I touched her and I missed my physical touch with Bec. Dammit! I blamed it on the medicine that I took earlier because I thought I might scare her more so I stopped myself.

Another thing I hated about my medication was as much as I wanted to watch my girl's face, my body couldn't cope with the side effects and slowly, my eyes started to get tired and fell asleep.


That same night, I finally woke up and saw my parents only, but no sign of Bec in my room. "Where is she, mom?!" I panicked and tried to get up as fast as I could from my bed.

However, because of my injury, hinders me from moving swiftly, causing me to feel even more pain. " is my girlfriend?" I sobbed until they answered my question.

Not knowing what to do with me, my parents made an effort to calm me down as they mentioned that Bec was only going to be gone temporarily as she needed to handle some of her work at her office.

Hearing my parents about Bec's whereabouts, I still think that they were lying just for me not to feel down until I saw the door open, showing Bec's figure. I finally felt safe again and at the same time, a little agitated with her for leaving without telling me.

My parents sensed our tension and were very understanding, giving me as much space to talk with Bec as if they knew I needed to. Soon enough, I saw Bec look serious and suddenly, my childish angriness was gone just like that.

"We need to talk...about..." Bec hesitated with her words.

As if an adrenaline current passed in my body, before Bec even finished her sentence, I immediately shut her down, "I don't want to."

With a bit of effort, Bec tried to calm me down before she dropped the 'break up' bomb because I had a feeling that she was going to do that anytime soon and I didn't want to hear it.

"Freen...hear me up, first..." She didn't know where to begin.

"I know you're going to ask for a breakup..." I said, making me a pessimistic person and I hate myself for that.

"Why would you think like that...I'm not breaking up with you, alright?" She convinced me and as if it didn't help much with my overthinking, she continued saying, " I love you and because of that I want to inform you early that the media will reveal our relationship tommorow."

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