Chapter 3: Tragedy

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Becky's POV

During the meeting I had with Saint, he just told me that he will take care of the issue and asked me not to be concerned about it too much. Although we still don't know who is the culprit, Saint has a suspicion on some haters who just want to see the downhill of my career, especially now that my SCOY series was rising in popularity.

Without taking it to the heart, I ended the meeting with a light heart and continued to enjoy the rest of my holiday back in Phuket. As far as I know, I still have four days left before I start working again.

Wondering what my girl is currently doing, I called her to update her about my meeting, "Orn...what are doing right now, babe? Do you miss me so much?"

"Baby!! How was the meeting with Saint?" Orn instantly worried about me.

Not wanting to concern her any further, I reassured her that my company will take action against those that spread the false allegations. "I'm okay babe if that's what you wanted to know...for the time being, I think I will be arriving at Phuket in an hour and a half and I want you to dress up 'cause we're going on a dinner date," I suggested.

I know I've been abandoning Orn and not spending more time with her than I intended to because of my problems. That's why I wanted to have a date with her. Maybe I've got excited with the idea that I am going to have a romantic dinner with my girlfriend. Or too excited to the point where I didn't notice her voice sounded raspy, as if her throat strained her from talking clearly.

"What's wrong, Orn? Are you okay?" I became worried.

Taking her time to find the response, she finally answered, "I might have caught a cold, Becky... I think I am going to sleep in today after I go to the pharmacy and get my medicine."

"Oh no...Orn...I will try my best to be there ASAP, alright? For now, just go and get your medicine to reduce the symptoms. Take care, babe...and be sure to call me when you arrive at the hotel." I begged her to be careful.


Fidgeting for almost an hour now on a plane to Phuket, I finally arrived at the Phuket International Airport. As soon as I was on the ground, I straight away looked for a taxi to hop in. While waiting for any available taxi, soon I heard my name being called from far, "Beck!!" That someone shouted.

When I followed the noise, I saw Toey looking super thrilled to see me there. As far as I know, she also lived in Phuket. So, we have a brief chitchat before I excused myself, "Toey! What are you doing at the airport?"

"Oh, I am just waiting for my best friend to arrive. She is sure very late...this girl..." Toey made fun of her best friend.

Then she reciprocated the question and ask why am I at Phuket. So, I told her that I am on a trip with Orn. "Ahhh really...then I should not disturb you any more. You should go to her now before she sulks.

"Alright. Nice to meet you here, by the way, Toey! Next time we met, hopefully, we can go hang out together with Orn." I requested her.

"Nah... I don't want to be third-wheeling you guys...I can't. You guys are too sweet for me to watch." She jokingly teased about my relationship with Orn.

I laughed because she always makes me feel at home even though she's considered someone famous because of her down-to-earth attitude. I must say she's my actress friend apart from Davika and I would like to keep her in my life, especially when finding a friend in this industry could be challenging.

On the way to the hotel where Orn and I stay, I tried to call my girl, but she didn't answer. I texted her, but no reply. "Hmm...that's weird. It's been almost 2 hours now and I don't think the pharmacy is far from the hotel.


Waiting for Orn's response, I finally reached our hotel room. As soon as I step into the room, it was dark, as if no one was there. "Orn? Baby? Where are you?" I kept calling her even though I know she was not there.

I tried to call her again and this time the call is through, "Hey babe, where are you?" I was panicked but I don't want to be obvious.

And this was the moment when my life was changing when the only thing I heard was not the voice of my girlfriend, but a man's voice. "Hello, ma'am," The man greeted.

"Hmm...hello? Who is this and where is Orn?" I anxiously waited for an answer.

"Can I double-check if you are Orn's relative?" The guy confirmed again my identity.

So, I half lied about my relationship with Orn and distinguished myself as her sister because who knows if this guy is homophobic. 

"I am...her sister...may I know where is Orn right now?" I am starting to get impatient.

At that moment, I could never unzip the blue that I'm feeling when I heard the news. All I ever wanted when I call Orn was to hear her voice and said that she arrived safely at the hotel.

But what I received was a call from an emergency department where they notified the death of Orn. I didn't hear a word he said after he mentioned Orn's death. I know I am not hallucinating, but I wish I am because I have heard Orn's voice about two hours ago. 

This can't be real...I am delusional...this has got to be a dream. Now, I am crying in my room, feeling hurt, which got me to feel like I am the one who is dead.

"What...hap-pened to...her?" I tried to find the answer as I kept on hiccuping to stop myself from crying.

Then, the man explained clearly while sympathising with me, " I think you should come down to our hospital, ma'am. It'll be better for me to explain to you in person about Orn's situation.

"Alright..." I ended the call and hastily make my way to the hospital, although my action couldn't bring back my girl. At least, I could see her one more time...

Author's note:

I feel very sorry for Beck's character... she really had it rough...back with the false allegation, and now with Orn's death. Hang in there, girl!

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