Chapter 27: Real feelings

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Freen's POV

That day, I had to go somewhere without giving her clarity on our status for one another. Also, knowing that she only had an hour of break, I decide to let her rest before she continues to shoot again. Despite wishing my goodbyes to her, I didn't forget to buy her favourite drink, boba milk tea and went on our separate ways.

On the way to Toey's residence, I kept reminiscing about my kisses with Bec and one thing I can confirm is my true feelings for her. There's no doubt that I liked her so much and I want to make sure she knows that.

But looking back on my life, I honestly have no clue where to begin since I have never been in a relationship before, let alone with a woman. So, I decided to meet my bestie because if I don't know what to do, I know Toey is going to help me and give me some piece of advice.


Once I arrived at Toey's house, I was already hearing a fuss from her because I didn't tell her that I come. Not giving a fuck about the reason why I am here in the first place, she continued with her daily routine and showered at literally 3 freaking pm.

Getting used to her behaviour, I waited for her patiently in her room since I am the one who got a favour to ask.

Thirty minutes later, she was now acknowledging my presence and settled herself. Looking at me, she was giving me those weird eyes, knowing what I am about to ask.

"Seeing you this obedient, I guess you want something from me? What is it, missy?" Toey was giving me her infamous side-eye.

Scratching my head, I was nervous to say something because Toey always answered me straight to the point without filtering. But, it has to be done and the only way for me to make decision is through Toey.

"Ahh...I want to ask you...I mean...if let's say you want to be in a relationship with someone, what should you do first?" I was curious about her answer.

Toey, on the other hand, was ridiculous by my dumb question and stating the obvious answer, "You, idiot! Where's your common sense? Obviously, that someone should confess her love to her crush and ask her to be her girlfriend, duh??" She responded as if she knew that I am talking about myself.

Not knowing how to lose, I fight back at her, "Of course, I know that...but what if something/someone prohibits you from doing so?"

Flashback after my revelation for liking a woman

"Freen, I am here to say's not my intention to hurt your feelings. I was shocked to hear that from you and this is my first time encountering this type of relationship. I can't help it, dear...I just don't want to feel heartbroken, that's all..." My father was regretful of his action.

Just when I was about to show my sincere smile at my dad, he then added something that makes me pause on my future action to date Bec, "You can be in a relationship with a woman...but under one condition, you have to keep your relationship a secret. It's not that I am against my daughter revealing her relationship status, I just don't want your revelation to cause some unnecessary gossip connecting to your mother. You know how the industry can manipulate things, right?" He was hopeless if somehow my relationship could backfire with my mom's reputation as an actress.

End of flashback

"Freen...let me tell you, follow your heart and it will be easier. If you believe that you made the right decision, just go for it. Don't think too much. Just because someone opposes your relationship, doesn't mean you should stop having those feelings with your loved one. Prioritise your own happiness more than their acceptance because, by the end of the day, you only need you and your partner to make your relationship works." Toey gave me a lesson, which completely change my point of view about dating Bec.

Nodding to her reply, I take note of her advice, but I still am too scared to date a celebrity. Going back to my agitated face, I unknowingly thought seriously to myself.

After a good minute, Toey noticed my unimpressed expression and become a detective to analyse my problems. "Take the courage, Freen...she's worth it and I know that your heart knows." She nudged my arm, showing that she knows who is this about.

Just then, our eyes met and instantly, we laughed at how ridiculous I was at pretending that this was not about me and Bec.

I guess it's a fact that I can't be an actress since I don't know how to act.


After leaving Toey's house, I decided to meet Bec again for the second time today and come clean about my feelings for her so that I know we're on the same page.

Later that day, Bec asked me to meet at her house instead and gave me her address.

When I typed in the navigation to her house, it shows that it was going to be a two hours ride from my current destination. Of course, I am not complaining because I am anticipating this moment to confess to her. Then again, it means that I am going to overthink for two hours before I reached her house.

"How am I going to tell her..." I begin my plan.

"It's alright.... I'll survive this!" I tried to motivate myself.

Then, there goes my second thought, "Will she want to be in a relationship with me?"

Daydreaming along my way to Bec's house, I finally arrived at her house, making my heart beat erratically.

Slowly, I make my way to her front door and Bec immediately greeted me with her warm smile. "Come in!" She eagerly welcomed me to her humble house.

In my brain, I already set what I am about to say to her, but now it's gone and I'm speechless. Now that she's here, I am making an idiot out of myself.

Looking awkwardly seating at Bec's sofa for a while, she took a hint of my way of behaving and come closer to my personal space. "Emm...what're you doing, Bec?" I was taken aback by her bold moves.

"When are you planning on asking me to be your girlfriend?" She was hurrying the steps that I planned in my head even though I haven't initiated my plan yet.

Ignoring my brain, I immediately confess to her and ask her to be my girlfriend at the same time. "Be mine, please?" I was restless.

However, Bec was testing my patience as she tried to delay her response to my question, but then, she reassured me and agreed to be my girlfriend.

"You looked nervous, Freen... Are you scared that I didn't feel the same way as you?" She was wiping the apparent sweat on my forehead.

"Nah...I'm fine! I am okay! I like you and you like me and that's all that is matter to me..." Trying to hide my intense feeling.

All of a sudden, I was reminded of my father's warning not to reveal my relationship in front of everyone.

Because I want to be transparent with Bec, I told her about my dad's condition if she wanted to date me.

Surprisingly, she was okay with it and liked the idea to hide our relationship because she didn't want to experience another exposed public relationship, especially after what happened with Orn's case. that I am here alone in her house, what are we going to do now?

Author's notes:
Let's see if it's a good idea to hide their relationship...
PS: Sorry if I didn't meet your expectation cause I know I didn't meet mine. Plus, it's not a good combo to have when writing if you are busy + low motivation😩

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