Chapter 17: Bosses

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Becky's POV 

When I am in the car with Freen alone, I could tell how intense I was and I just don't understand the state of nervousness that I'm in right now. It's hard to articulate when I talk with her in private because it's hard for me to communicate without my heart being a scaredy cat every minute. 

I had to calm down before I'd break myself to prevent myself from saying the wrong things. On top of that, she was watching me closely without breaking eye contact. At this point, I might be scared because she wasn't focusing on the road but on me. Yeah... that explains why I get nervous in the car...

Softly she spoke, "We arrived, Bec! You should wear my cap so people don't recognise you..."

As soon as I wear her cap, her scent from the cap overpowering my smelling ability and I could tell she smell good. Like a warm and floral perfume, which suited her personality. I wish I could drown in this fragrance forever. 

Stuck in my time, Freen suddenly guided me out of her car and clasped my hands with hers to the restaurant. There was nothing that I could do and went along with her, except that my body couldn't comprehend her daring moves that makes my hands sweat a lot. 

Silently, I followed her and went to our table to order our food. As she ordered her food, I can't help but stare at her as if she got me hooked on something. Besides, there's nobody around the restaurant since we eat in a private room, making the overall mood a little too intimate for us. 

Believe me when I say I couldn't properly digest my food because I was cautious of my every step. It's like my body wanted to tell me something about this person...that I might have a crush on her.

Because of that, I tried to play it cool the entire time during dinner, but soon enough I received a phone call from Saint. 

Me 🐻: Hey, Saint! Why are you calling me?

Saint🧔‍♂️: Can you drop by the company real quick? I need to have a serious talk with you regarding your current work. 

Me 🐻: Sure! Let me finish my dinner and I'll be there.

Saint🧔‍♂️: Alright, see you later. 

After the call, I explained to Freen that I have to go to my company and before I even finish my sentence, she offered to bring me there without obligation. 


At the company

Before I exited the car, I asked her to wait at the lounge since I'm not sure how long the meeting will take. She just obey me and said, "Alright, whatever is convenient for you..." 

To not make her wait long enough, I went straight to the office and discussed with Saint about my upcoming series.  

"Now that the rumours have slowed down, you will be having extra scenes, making you a lead role. Although it's not a main role, I hope you consider taking this opportunity and building your career again. Also, you don't have to worry about the character as it's going to be the same. It's just that you will have more scenes than expected." Saint carefully described the big changes in my new series. 

Then, he brought up the things that he's dreading and mentioned, "And with that being said, the extra scenes that you will have will be closely played alongside Davika..." 

Taking in what he said now makes it clear why Saint called me here. I guess he wanted to know if I'm okay to act with Dav. 

But, pushing aside the resentment I had toward her, I'm desperate to start acting again, especially when I have to recover my reputation because of some false rumours made about me. I don't want to get into an issue with her to ruin my chance to improve myself as an actress.

I knew some people will pity me because my ex-friend, who is my junior becomes the main character instead of me, but I couldn't care less. I just have to prove my worth and do well for the series. Hence, I agreed to continue with the series, "I will take it."

"Are you sure?" Saint double-checked my response and I confidently nodded at my answer. After that, he gave me the details of when the shoots are going to occur and for how long.

"Since you have more scenes than the initial plan, you will have to start shooting 3-4 days per week for 2 months." He clearly stated the shooting schedule. 

Hearing him makes me rethink my other job at Freen's company. "Is it possible to change the time to every weekend?" I tried to recommend a better schedule.

"I am sorry, Becky...but the shooting queue is conclusive since you have to consider other actors' schedules as well. If you can't cope with the internship, I suggest you should quit your part-time job." Saint felt liable that I have to make one choice only. 

"But Saint...I think I need time to talk to my fact, she's actually here waiting downstairs." I told him the crucial information. As excited as he wants to meet my other boss, he rushed his way to the company's lounge.  


Finally, the time is here when my two bosses met each other and I could tell there was tension between them. Maybe not from Saint, but Freen. 

Somehow, Saint makes it even worse when he said something triggering, "You looked too beautiful to not be an actress... have you tried to be in this industry before?" Saint take the opportunity to recruit her despite Freen having a secure life. 

"No thanks... I'm not interested." She carelessly declined without thinking hard. 

However, Saint did not want to give up and gave Freen his company card, "Well if you say so..but if you ever change your mind? Please do contact me... "

And there's me who still couldn't figure out how am I going to cope with going back and forth from being a PA to being an actress. Either way, I must decide and choose one.

If someone asked me earlier what I am going to pick, I will choose to act. But I am comfortable being Freen's PA and enjoy the work. Plus, so far I saw her always taking care of me...but I don't want to take advantage of her kindness to get some leniency in my work. 


On the way to my house, I contemplated even more and Freen realised that and worried about me, "What are you thinking so deeply? Is your manager pressuring you about your work?"

"Ahh...actually...the thing is I needed to talk to you about my work..." I timidly spoke my mind before it was too late. 

"What is it?" She was now focusing on me.

And there I said the word I've been trying not to say to Freen. "I think I might have to resign from your company..."

"'re quitting...when?" She looked somewhere that isn't me. 

Carefully, I told her that next week would be my last week and she politely noted my permanent absence from her company, "Okay...I understand."

All of sudden, the mood went downhill and she became quieter, making me feel guilty. As soon as she sent me home, I bid her goodbye but I didn't hear hers...

Author's notes:

The next few chapters are going to be intense...but tolerable I guess...

P.S: You will have to see how their relationship evolves from here😌

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