Chapter 28: Serotonin

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Becky's POV

"When are you coming?" I was feeling excited when I texted Freen to come over to my place.

"Have you eaten yet?" I send another text to her but ultimately she hasn't replied.

Hmm...maybe she's almost on her way. I guess I should wait patiently for her arrival before I embarrassed myself.

And when an hour has passed, she finally arrived. But what I didn't expect was how nervous she looked at this moment. "Oh, Freen..." I was adoring her even more than before.

Since I didn't want to see her in agony, I guided her so she was brave enough to ask me out, "When are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?"

Almost instantly, she made her confession without stuttering as if she got her words memorised. But what impressed me was not how she professed her love for me, her consistent body language showed how sincere she was about her feelings. Her subtle touch can simply provide some sort of comfort to me while her eye movements were mainly looking into my eyes, proving to me that she had a complete focus over me.

Regardless of Freen looking nervous and trying to be in full composure, she remained holding my hands, making it easier for me to understand what her heart wants.

Just then, she opened up about her father's rule with her dating me and honestly, I am aware of where he's coming from. He intended to protect his family from being mistreated.

Even from my side, I am not reluctant to reveal my relationship to the public. Not after Orn because I don't want to go through the ill-treatment I received from the netizen and accused me based on some baseless rumours.


As we talked for some time, I realised that it was almost night and we haven't had our dinner yet. So, I offered her to stay for dinner and order some takeout instead since it's faster to satisfy our stomachs.

"What do you want to order, Bec?" Freen offered to order from a food delivery application. Looking closer at her phone, I pinpointed everything that I wanted and let her finish the ordering by herself.

Once we were done with our orders, I was thrilled to bring her around the house and show her every room I have in this house. Not to forget, I let her linger for a long time in my room since that's the place I am most comfortable.

"Freen...come over here," I patted my bed. Of course, I have no ulterior motives as I just want her to be less nervous than she was when she first walked into this house. I told her to lie down and rest because I could tell she was having a hard time mustering up to confess her love to me ever since this morning.

Intertwining her hands while caressing them, I opened up to her that I, too was feeling nervous. I even practise my confession as I waited for her to arrive. But that's not what I am afraid of. I just don't know what she'll say and would she loves me more than I do.

Then, I could feel movement from her side, showing that she changed her resting position to a focusing position, where her whole body was facing me. Swirling around her thumb on the top of my hand, making me have a goosebump as I never feel as close as this to her before.

Unlike our normal selves, we only interacted or showed our feelings for one another either through verbal communication or food, but not proximity. Even though I know communication is the greatest helper in our relationship, we never take it for granted because it makes us feel more connected than ever.


When the night is about to end and we are done eating our dinner, it's time to bid Freen goodbye. As I tried to buy more time to spend with her by lingering around the sofa, she insinuates something to me, "Should I go home, Bec?"

Admiring her from afar, I love her view and I know I want to keep on staring at her. From that moment, at least I know, that I want her to stay.

However, I didn't want to make it seems like I am needy for her attention and try to look cool, especially since we're still in the early stage of our relationship. "Do you want to stay?" I provoked her.

And then she walked away with her eyes still staring at me full of hope. "I have to go, Bec...I have work early in the morning tommorow..." Freen answered me with uncertainty but I feel like she wanted to say more than that.

"Does she want me to beg her to stay or what?" I asked myself as it felt like I overanalysed her response into an answer that I wanted to hear.

"I'll just go, okay? Will see you tommorow..." She gave up and proceed to walk towards me to give me a goodbye kiss. Maybe not a kiss, but more or less like a peck on the cheek.

Well... I didn't expect her to react this way. "What should I do?" I was stressing out myself.

Before she went far away from me, I ran to her and ask her to stay over. This mental pressure really should go instead, for real...

The next thing, she was now in front of me, caressing my head and agonizing over whether she should stay over or not. But, to no dismay, she said, "I am sorry, Bec...not today..." When she saw my disappointed face, she immediately try to make me feel better, "but I promise to make it up to you, okay? Alright, BB?"

She looked at me in a pleading way and made an effort to say more, but at this point, I was already losing my focus on what she said when my eyes hungrily stared at her soft lips. It's like I can't stop myself from looking at it whenever I saw her lips near my sight.

For a moment, I thought I was hallucinating when her lips started to feel like it makes their way towards me. But, oh lord, when my stomach heaves, I feel the need to put something to support my back to fight these lips of hers. That sexy lips!

I knew I wasn't the only want who want to have a little makeout session. Walking home with her afterwards while still attaching our lips just show how desperate we were to kiss each other. And when we reached the door, she exerted more pressure on my lips to her silky lips with her arm embracing my body so I don't accidentally hit my back too hard.

When she tried to catch her breath, instead of removing herself from my contact, she buried her face in my neck, letting me feel like the veins on my neck were about to pop out any minute because of the increased in blood pressure.

Sweating, panting, energizing from the intense kisses I had with Freen, my lips became swollen and my face became reddening hot. The world was slowly turning into two as my vision doubled for a second due to a lack of air.

At that moment, her lips began to make its way towards my mouth and give me the ultimate kiss. The air that was now in my mouth was sucked out by Freen before she stopped.

"Think of me when you're asleep...BB," She let out a breathy voice, which appeared to be freaking HOT! and she left.

I was not over her yet and she was already gone. Damn, Freen...

Author's notes:

The birth of BB's nickname🙈

Also, I want to thank everyone for all your support. It means a lot to me💗💗💗Your encouragement does motivate me to do another chapter within a short time because I was inspired to write more even though I know it's a one time thing😢But I'm trying✌️

I think what I realised these past few days was that I just need more readings/watch videos of FreenBecky to give me ideas on what to include for my next chapter. But then again, what I don't have is time.

With that being said, if you feel like you want to voice out your ideas (one sentence should be enough😌), feel free to comment/inbox. Though I do create my own storyline already, maybe, I could get new perspective from you guys😉Of course, if I happen to use one of your ideas, I definitely will give a shoutout to those who give the idea, yeah✌️✌️✌️

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