Chapter 8: I don't care

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Freen's POV

When I was 19 years old, I become more exposed to the entertainment industry, credit to my mother's fame. Because of my mom's background, I was surrounded by celebrity friends and rich friends who wanted to be friends with me because they wanted the easy way to succeed in the industry.

There's even that one friend who's using my connection with her because she wanted to debut as an actress in my mother's company. And once they achieved their dreams, they immediately let go of the friendship bound to end. It's simple, I guess...because I have my famous mother whose people are taken advantage of like she's an easy target to get what they desired.

Also, the more exposure I get from the media, the madder I was because they keep on pressuring me to become a public figure, just like my mother. They even attempted to compare the similarity between me and my mom, to motivate me into joining the entertainment world. And when they didn't get to have what they wanted, they bombarded my mother with outrageous questions just to catch my attention such as regarding my plastic surgery rumour and sex life.

As soon as my mom heard about it, she become protective and hide me from the media. The same goes for my dad, he instantly takes legal action against the reporters and even causes the media company to suffer bankruptcy because of their single question.

My parents are really good parents and they suggested that I went abroad for a while so the public forgets about me and live my life in peace.

At that time, I really wanted to do something for myself and make a name for myself, not because of my parents and they were supportive of my decision. And just like that, I lived abroad for about 6 years and from living alone, I become independent and even created my subsidiary company under my father's company.


When I came back to Thailand, there was still that uncertainty about the media still following me. Feeling scared, I wore my cap and my mask so people won't recognise me and act normal.

But as soon as I arrived at the airport, everything went by as usual. The hype was gone and no one remembers my existence, which means my plans work. And now I just have to maintain the momentum.

Shortly after, Toey dropped me off at my house and my parents instantly greeted me.

"Freenn!!! Oh, baby...I miss you so much, dear..."My mom and dad screamed while their eyes were teary.

As for me, I was unfazed because I was too shy to express to them that I missed them badly. When I saw them again, I could tell that they aged beautifully...which seems to me that they are the same age as when I last met them.

Jokingly, my dad is now advising me the next step would be to get married and have a child. When I heard it, I hit my father on his arm for an obvious reason and while my mom admired my love-hate relationship with my dad.

"When should we hold the wedding?" My mom jokingly suggested the idea to my dad.

Having enough of their jokes, I shut them down with a statement that soon changes my parents' facial expression, "I would rather be single than have someone take advantage of my money and my family reputation..."

"Dear...don't say that...not everyone is bad you know. Take for example your best friend, Toey, whom you met abroad. I know she's a rising actress, but she didn't take you for granted. She treated you the same way a normal person should." My mom convinced me.

"Toey is different, mom...she only get to this industry recently and that's because she wanted to help her family's financial problem. When I offered her money, she even scold me that I was wrong for giving her the money because she didn't want me to remind her as someone who borrow my money. At that moment, I know for sure that she was a great person. She didn't even know that my mom is the actress Chankimha." I let my mom knows.

My mom proved her point by saying, "see, not everyone is bad...I'm not saying that you should date a world-class artist. I just want you to let in people sometimes, or it's going to be difficult for me to see my grandchild anytime soon,"

"Ugh, mom! I don't care about having a child. I'm not ready to settle yet," I was frustrated as I have zero interest in finding my lifetime partner.

I excused myself as I wanted to escape from my parents' nagging about my future. There's nothing or nobody can change my mind about marrying someone, especially when the only I am focusing on is my business career.

It's not that impossible if I were to be in a relationship, but I don't think I could commit myself and see myself crazy over someone cause that's never happened in my life. And I don't think I'll love someone deeply. I just can't imagine...

Author's note:

Okay, Freen...I will spy on you in the future to see if you really meant your words 🤨😏

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