Chapter 10: Unbelievable

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Becky's POV

A week after the press conference, I received an update from Saint on who spread the rumours about my relationship and tried to sabotage my reputation. This time, Saint paid someone to find the mole behind those who exposed my personal information that only my close circle knows.  

Not knowing who is it going to be, I was anxiously waiting for Saint to reveal it and then he said the name I am familiar with, "It's Davika, Becky...she's the one who secretly exposed your relationship with Orn. And I know you're not going to like it when you hear that Orn's Ceo was trying to wreck your reputation using Orn's death."

As much as I want to believe him, I couldn't. I mean...Dav is my friend and I still have a feeling that Saint makes a mistake here. 

So, to confirm this uneasiness, I met up with Dav and confronted her about Saint's discovery regarding the rumours. 

At first, I began calmly just not wanting to falsely accuse my friend. But, when I told her the story, she acted normal and continue to say, " should've thanked me instead. Because of my essential information, I make you famous, didn't I?"

When I heard her talk like that, I was almost baffled by her explanation. Is she really my friend?

"You're joking, right? You didn't mean anything you said...right?" I was still in denial.

Except that she proved me wrong when she started gaslighting me about me stealing her fame because of the rumours she just created.

Taking a moment, I was now enraged. "I've been nothing but support're my friend, Dav! How could you?!"

However, she was oblivious to her fault and blamed me, "you always get the things you want while I don't! You're so privileged and you can see that when you steal my thunder during the press conference!!"

"What the hell, Dav!! Are you for real? I was just answering the questions that they asked me and I even give you the chance to talk to the press." I didn't understand what she wanted from me.

But for Dav, she didn't know when to stop, causing me to lose my cool. "If you were really my friend, you wouldn't try to sabotage me during the SCOY audition, and when Saint tried to recruit me..." She reminisces about her bad memory of her. 

At this point, I went nuts and clarified about the audition and Saint, "Dav! he didn't even have the intention to recruit you even though I tried to convince him otherwise. Because you're my friend, I have to make a fool out of myself...because I want the best for you... and this is how you pay me..."

"If you really were my friend, you wouldn't expect anything in return..." She responded almost instantly as if I am at fault for her rejection.

From then on, I think it was useless to continue talking to her when she didn't even plan on apologizing or admitting her own fault. Not having another thought, I began to walk away from her and cut ties with her.

Now, I understand that she wants nothing but fame and the only way she gets it is by ruining my life... I should've known earlier about why she's interested in becoming a friend with me...

Her intention was not pure and she only used my connection to get a way around her career. 


Because of the rumours caused by Dav, my reputation has been tainted and I have to build my career from the bottom. Thankfully, Saint trusted me through whatever false accusations had been thrown at me and still let me stay in his company. 

However, it's hard to get a job nowadays because people become so quick to judge that all the rumours were true. Luckily, for all that, the director of the current series told me to ignore the media and continue shooting for the series. 

Now I understand that it's crucial to strategize my defence when working in this industry. My celebrity status is fraught with risks as rivals always have their way of destroying my career. I need to be more vigilant at all times to keep myself safe from false allegations. 

As much as I wanted to defend myself and punish those involved, I knew that it will affect Davika's career. Even though I am mad at her, I don't really have the guts to cause the fall down of my friend. 

Even so, if something like this ever happened again, I will not back down and fight back to punish them with no leniency.


Since it's harder to get an acting job from now on, I do my best to train my acting skills by polishing my role as an intern for the upcoming series. As a recommendation from Saint, he suggested that I should apply to some random company and work as an intern temporarily so, I can fully grasp my character. 

Sharing this information with Toey because she's the only friend I have now, I texted her if she knows any places that offer internships. 

Immediately, Toey help me find the job and despite the short notice, she gets one position in this big company. However, she didn't even give me more information about this company and only mention that the role is going to be a personal assistant.  

Nonetheless, I wanted to know more about the company and asked Toey about it, "whose company it is?"

" met her before?" Toey said in her teasing tone.

Surprise is an understatement and soon, it follows with curiosity. "Oh really? Who?" I was delighted.

"My bff that I picked up from the airport... I think she will take you in if you have good intentions. I haven't asked her yet though, but I know she will accept you." She was confident.

She then added, "Freen was moving here now permanently after successfully making her 3rd franchise company abroad... now that's she successful abroad, she wanted to focus on making it big at her own country."

"Of course, you're not going to get the position for free. You have to get interviewed for it. But what I will say for sure, is she's very strict when it comes to her work and she would not tolerate laziness." Toey reminded me. 

Therefore, I begin to do my research about the company and see what the CEO looks like. When I searched for her image, I stare at it for a long time. "She looks like someone I know..." I claimed.

Looking into more information about her, I came across her family biodata and see a picture of what appears to be...huh? my favourite actress...?

I triple-checked again from another website and again it's confirmed that she's the daughter of my favourite actress, Mrs Chankimha!! 

No wonder there was a resemblance to someone I know on her face...

Knowing that she is the daughter, I need to do welltoo get into this company, cause who knows, maybe there might a chance where I get to meet my idol.

Author's notes:

Finally!! Freenbecky are going to have a one-to-one meeting. Let's guess what happened during the interview🤐

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