Chapter 20: You busy?

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Becky's POV

It's been weeks since I left Freen's company and genuinely, I miss her. Soon as I quit the company, I became the old me again and I don't like it. I have to guard myself because I'm insecure about my surrounding, especially when I work.

And the moment I leave, my heart was no longer erratically beating abnormally. If I tell that to a doctor, they will be joyful that I don't have any heart disease. But, why do I hate that my heart didn't do that nowadays?

Every other day is a different story for me, but all of them have similarities— I was being lonely every time. I said to myself that acting makes me happy, but now that I get to do the things that I love the most, I was unsteady.

Funny that I only realised that after I quit working with Freen. Maybe I could be wrong about my feelings and that I was just feeling a bit under the weather since it's been a while since I act. Or could I blame it on my poor decision?

Now that I begin my shooting, I will need to stay strong and concentrate. Most of the time, I could handle it, but truthfully, I'm a mess and I need someone to talk to. Hoping that I will be normal again, I talked with Saint about random stuff. Except that I get bored easily and the topic didn't seem interesting for me to keep continuing the conversation.

"Let's just endure this Becky for now!" I encouraged myself.

Just like that, I've been focusing on my acting during my shooting time. Yet, for the time that I am not working, I didn't do anything except for sleeping and working out at home.

I really need human interactions, but I don't know who to talk to. In my heart, of course, I only want to contact that one particular number on my phone but I didn't have the guts to do it.

"Should I disturb Toey...since it's been a while since I last meet her?" Searching through my contact, I finally texted Toey to catch up with our lives.

Me 🐻: Hey, Toey!! Do you want to hang out with me?

Toey👻: Sure! Tell me where and what time and I'll be there in no time😏

Me 🐻: Roger girl😎


At a café

Another Sunday afternoon where I still don't know if I am really in the mood to socialise or just that the thoughts of her are what I want the most. I've been acting out of place and still, I forced myself to meet someone just because I need someone's attention. I wish I knew what was going on with me and why am I talking nonsense...

At that moment, someone was delighted to see me even from 1m away, "Becky!! How have you been?" She greeted me and give me a friendly hug.

"I take that you have more free time now that you quit Freen's company?" She added. However, she didn't know that her statement makes me think of someone right away.

Looking unsure of myself, I replied to her, "Yeah...more or less," But, in fact, I was restless these past few days.

As we chat with each other, I was unconsciously curious about Freen's news and naturally asked her about her BFF's welfare. "How's Freen, Toey? It's been a while since I last heard from her..." I tried my best to not show that I am actually curious about Freen.

"Well...she's okay. Don't you communicate with her anymore?" She retaliated back with her sharp question.

I looked down, feeling sad because I am afraid to reach out to her. Nevertheless, Toey noticed my expression and tried to make me feel better, "That's actually out of character of her to not contact with her ex-employee..."

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